Sep 22, 2024  
University Catalog 2024-2025 
University Catalog 2024-2025

Courses By School

  • ENG-3530: Internship

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Simulteaching,Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENG-3680: Human Narrative and American Culture

    This two-day workshop will take an intensive, critical, intersectional look at narrative and its place in American culture. Through the lens of readings in the neuroscience of history, the social psychology behind tribalism and moral choices, and the sociology behind the history of cities, we will take a closer look at varying influences on our national narrative and how we perceive it. We will question how it can be shaped and reshaped, and the place that we, as citizens have in that narrative. Particular attention will be given to our constantly shifting present-day national narrative as it is influenced and changed daily through the news and social media. Through lectures, analysis of pre-class readings, dialogue, and in-class writing exercises, we will ask how we were formed by the narratives in which we grew up, how those narratives spoke to or ignored us, and how we can, through our own writings, social media practices, and behavior in our communities help to shape the narrative of the world in which we live.
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Workshop
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENG-3900BN: Poetry & Memory

    This workshop provides an opportunity to mine our memories to awaken new, startling poems. We will explore the rich territory of ideas, people, places, and emotions from our past, and examine how memory can inform and affect our writing. Students will learn how to dig into memories from the span of their lives and will see how uncovering one memory often leads to another and another, creating fresh, imaginative work that surprises both the writer and reader. The day will be a mixture of lecture, reading classical and contemporary poetry based on poets’ memories, and practicing fever writing or automatic writing, tapping into our memories and the subconscious and reading aloud to the class. Although geared for poets and writers, this workshop will also be of value to non-writers, particularly students studying psychology, by showing how we can capture and utilize details from our memories to use as inspiration no matter what our discipline.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Workshop
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENG-3900N: Poetry & Dreaming

    This workshop investigates the aesthetic intersection between poetry and dreaming. We will explore the rich territory of ideas, people, places, and emotions living in our dreams, and consider how we can tap into that world to create art. We will examine how dreams can inform and affect our writing, inspiring surprising scenes, and providing us with a window into our subconscious. Students will learn how to steal from their dreams to create fresh, delightful, imaginative work. The day will be a mixture of lecture, reading classical and contemporary poetry based on dreams, analyzing poetry and its use of dreams, hearing the dreams of students, practicing the writing tips and methods offered in class, and finally molding our dreams into poems. Although geared for poets and writers, this workshop will also be of value to non-writers by showing how we can capture and utilize details and knowledge from our subconscious to use as inspiration no matter what our discipline.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Workshop
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENG-3930: Argument and Persuasion

    This course expands the notion of argument and suggests a wide variety of discourses-from text to television, verse to video-that can be understood as practices of argument. The course covers the analysis of various forms of argument and the evaluation of arguments presented in the world. The course encourages the student to create effective reader-centered arguments using multiple writing strategies through several lenses, including opinion editorial, social media and academic argument. The student evaluates the application of supportive evidence in professional writers’ work as well as for use in their own work and then generates writing through several audience lenses using qualified evidence as the primary way to support the argument.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENG-4510: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENG-4530: Internship

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENT-3960: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENT-3980: Internship

    The Internship provides students with an opportunity to apply, in an organizational setting, what they are learning and to develop professional contacts within their fields of interest. While students are responsible for locating internships, faculty members are available to provide support and information as needed.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-2510: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3010: Environmental Justice & Advocacy

    In this course, students explore fundamental environmental justice issues and effective means of advocacy. Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Environmental justice is achieved when everyone - regardless of race, color, national origin, or income - has the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process. Students will gain awareness of environmental justice issues and examine case studies from around the world. This course satisfies the Ethics requirement.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3018: Birds in the Field & Human Imagination Margins

    The purpose of this course is to engage a tradition that spans millennia and every culture: a human fascination with birds. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, we will explore birds through many lens and avenues. As naturalists, we will seek out birds in the wild, experimenting with different approaches to observation. We will consider common themes in the life circumstances of birds, as well as explore the impact of human civilization on the ecology of natural habitats. Further, we’ll explore birds as symbols of the human imagination as expressed through literature, art, and religion. We will also appreciate birds as metaphors mirroring ourselves and our interrelationship with the natural world. The reading will include scientific as well as literary texts. Led by an enthusiastic but far from expert birder, this will be a collaborative adventure in mutual inquiry. Access to a pair of field glasses is highly recommended, but not required; a creative imagination and desire to be enchanted by birds, a definite plus.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3020: Environmental Racism: Environmental Justice

    Environmental justice and environmental racism recognize the disproportionate impact of environmental costs and hazards on low income communities and people of color. The environmental justice movement demands that public policy be based on mutual respect and justice for all peoples– free from any form of discrimination or bias, and calls for universal protection from nuclear testing, extraction, production and disposal of toxic/hazardous wastes and poisons that threaten the fundamental right for all to clean air, land, water, and food. This course explores the history and current efforts of the environmental justice/environmental racism movements, including intersecting issues of policy regarding housing, transit, environmental waste, employment and education in relation to race, ethnicity, gender and class– with a heavy emphasis on case studies. We will also address current media and political dialogues around these issues, and how they affect members of society from all walks of life.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3022: Sacred Botany: Re-Seeing the Plant Kingdom

    The plant kingdom is sacred across many cultures. We’ll explore plant worship, prayers, poems, plant lore, folk tales, plant spirits, the healing properties of plants and ethnobotany. The content of this course will be grounded in the basics of botany as well as practicing sensory awareness and disciplined observation exercises. Sensory, intuitive and imaginative relationships to trees and flowers around us will be introduced and practiced. The mythopoetics of trees will be addressed along with the theme of ecological restoration and how vital trees are in our current time and for the future. The class will culminate in creating a celebration of trees and flowers with creative expression and perhaps even tree-planting if the course takes place in the fall.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3030: Global Justice & Ecology

    From the disruption of the global climatic system to increased rates of cancers, diabetes, autism, and asthma throughout the world, the last 150 years of industrialization, fossil fuel extraction and development have caused untold human and ecological harm - and benefits, according to some. In this course, we will critically examine the current state of the human health and ecological crisis, and development theory and practice, from impacted community, social movement, and governmental perspectives. The course will explore 5 broad conceptual themes including: Global Forces/Local Impacts, Environmental Health and Justice, Right to the City, Nature in the City, and Food Justice. We will also look at the various proposed solutions to these problems, from mainstream, liberal, progressive, and radical perspectives. This course is based on a body of work called political ecology, which is drawn from environmental justice studies, geography, sociology, development studies, and critical cultural studies
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3040: Birds in the Field & Human Imagination

    The purpose of this course is to engage a tradition that spans millennia and every culture: a human fascination with birds. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, we will explore birds through many lens and avenues. As naturalists, we will seek out birds in the wild, experimenting with different approaches to observation. We will consider common themes in the life circumstances of birds, as well as explore the impact of human civilization on the ecology of natural habitats. Further, we will explore birds as symbols of the human imagination as expressed
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3050: Urban Agriculture Northwest Northwest

    Students explore strategies to maintain and improve access for everyone to a diverse and sustainable food supply in the context of local and global challenges. A variety of learning methods are engaged, including hands-on visits to local food related projects and farms, both urban to rural. ENV, SOJ
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3450: Global Environmental Studies

    The goal of this course is to give students an appreciation and understanding of the natural world. From the local scale to the global scale, we will use several approaches in our study of the science of ecology, and in the process, learn something of the natural history of the Santa Barbara area and the global processes important in controlling such phenomena as global warming. The course will include one mandatory all-day field trip. Satisfies Quantitative Relationship requirement
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3480: Ecology and the Environment

    All species of living things alter the environments in which they live. Environmental issues in today’s world prove human beings are no exception. This course examines the principles of environmental science and ecology, applying them to environmental issues, in particular those relevant to Southern California and Los Angeles County. Students study ecological principles and explore environmental issues from a multidisciplinary approach - primarily environmental science, biology and ecology. Other disciplines include physical science, earth science, and history of environmental issues.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3500: Prior Learning: Environmental Studies

  • ENV-3501: Thinking in Systems

    This course is an introduction to systems and other concepts related to Systems Thinking. It explores the axiological principles of sustainability in addition to introducing such concepts as complexity and emergence. Systems thinking is also approached in terms of interdisciplinary perspectives such as the principles of ecology, consumption patterns of energy and natural resources, cultural sustainability, environmental politics, social justice, ethics, sustainable architecture, and engineering.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3510: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3520: Old Growth Forest Ecology

    Students embrace an interdisciplinary approach using natural and social sciences to look at both the complexity of the forests in the Pacific Northwest and the issues surrounding its management. Students study the diversity of Pacific Northwest forest ecosystems. ENV; SOJ
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3530: Internship - Environmental Studies

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3600: Human Population and Global Poverty

    This course will focus on factors that have led to the alarming rate of growth in the world’s population. It will focus on the demographics of population growth and disparities in wealth distribution. It will also examine methods of curbing global population growth, some of which use laws and public policies, some of which use market mechanisms, and some of which use the development and health and educational networks.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3640: The Climate Crisis: Root Causes and Remedies

    Climate Disruption and, more fundamentally, the collapse of biological and cultural diversity caused by a very particular set of social, economic and political realities may represent a serious existential threat to humanity. This course draws on climate science, new ecological knowledge, traditional ecological knowledge, political-economy and systems thinking to understand the scale, pace and implications of the climate crisis; its root causes; and the advocacy, organizing and activism that is grappling with how we navigate it.
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3700: Culture and Ecology

    This course introduces students to a variety of cultures from around the world, and focuses on how each developed in relation to its natural environment. The course also examines historical and economic changes that have resulted from environmental changes, population and demographic shifts, and interactions between cultural groups.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-3900: The LA River

    No river, no Los Angeles. That was, according to the Spanish King, one of the chief rules of settlement in the New World. The Tongva, had lived along the shifting banks of what is now officially referred to as The Los Angeles Storm Control Channel, for possibly as many as seven millennia prior to King Phillip’s pronouncement. During the course of a full day, the class visits six sites along the river. Along the students explore the rich history of the river, its unique original character and the process by which it has become perhaps the first lost river in North America if not the world. The class discusses the importance of the river as part of the watershed of the greater Los Angeles Basin, as well as the effects on adjacent ecosystems along its 71 miles resulting from a human settlement process which ultimately resulted in its channelization. The discussion concludes with an overview of environmental and civic activism that has resulted in the possibility of an exciting future restoration process for the river that would benefit mostly those inner-city residents who live along its banks. No grade equivalent allowed.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Workshop
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-4120: Environmental Ethics

    Students are introduced to how philosophical assumptions and worldviews permeate our orientations to the natural world. We also examines our duties to preserve natural resources, conserve biodiversity, and expand our conceptions of rights to include those of future generations, other species, and terrestrial and aquatic habitats.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-4130: Environmental Justice and Advocacy

    In this course, students explore global environmental justice issues and effective means of advocacy. Students examine environmental justice and injustices through case studies documenting fair/unfair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Students critically examine marginalized/vulnerable communities with respect to race, ethnicity, immigration status, lack of land ownership, formal education, political power or other characteristics. In addition, students investigate grassroots initiatives, climate resilience, risk, mitigation, and adaptation strategies.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University Online
    Method(s): ONL Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-4200: Environmental Health & Justice: Principles, Policies and Practice

    Poor and people of color communities have been disproportionately impacted by environmental harm from resource extraction, pollution, land-use, dangerous work and restricted access to the necessary resources to sustain healthy lives and livelihoods. This unfair burden is known as environmental injustice. The course takes an intersectional, systems-thinking approach to examining the complex problem of environmental injustice. Some of the questions we will consider include: What are the ways in which low-income communities and communities of color are targeted for the siting of toxic and polluting facilities? How do social and economic factors make individuals, families and whole communities more vulnerable to environmental challenges such as pollution and climate change? What are the actions that can and are being taken at diverse points of intervention in the eco-socio-economic systems and who is taking these actions? The course will combine reading, videos, music, online lectures (by the instructor and guests), class discussions, blog-posts, media analysis of current events and more to explore the contours of environmental justice.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-4205: Environmental Economics

    This course focuses on understanding  macroeconomic theories and the reliance that  market mechanisms have historically had on cheap  resource availability and cheap energy. The  course additionally addresses our understanding  of the health and ecological benefits that  diverse ecosystems provide, and for finding ways  to internalize these values inside of market  mechanisms.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University Online
    Method(s): ONL Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-4220: Psychology and the Environment

    In this course, students will examine the origins of our psychological orientations toward some of our significant global environmental issues. We will study what these environmental issues are, their connection with human behavior, and the philosophies that accompany such behavior. During this course students will also acquire knowledge about what some of the approaches in psychology have to offer in response to these environmental issues.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-4250: Energy & US Environmental Policy

    This course will examine the history of environmental policies, regulations and regulatory bodies in the United States. It will focus on the relationship between environmental decision-making, risk-assessment, and natural resource policy in relation to energy use, development and security.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-4300: Environmental Health

    This course focuses on understanding public health in relation to environmental factors such as air pollution, water pollution, and solid and hazardous waste disposal. It also addresses public health concerns raised by risks due to food supplies in a global marketplace, the spread of infectious diseases, and the apparatuses necessary to deliver health care services to poor and under-serviced populations.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENV-4500: Environmentally Sustainable Business Practices

    This course covers the process of bringing new innovations and ideas to fruition. By emphasizing where sources of funding (grants, governmental programs and incentives, universities and school systems, philanthropic organizations) can be combined with markets and organizations to take ideas from the research and development phases to being market-ready, this course combines theoretical approaches to market innovation with hands-on experience and practice. This course will include a minimum of 15 hours of field-based learning.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENVC-3030: Birds in the Imagination and In the Field

    Takes a multidisciplinary approach to viewing birds through many lenses and avenues. As naturalists, class members observe and identify bird species in a variety of habitats, learn about the patterns in their annual cycles and examine the impacts of human civilization on the ecology of bird life. Students also explore the symbolic role of birds as expressed through the literature, myth, art and spirituality of several cultures and consider how birds serve as metaphors for one’s own relationship with the natural world. A&L; ENV
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ENVC-4800: Special Topics in Environmental Studies

    Includes course offerings of special interest within or across areas of concentration.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 8.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • ES-5030: Environmental Dispute Resolution

    Dispute resolution is a skill that one continues to master throughout one’s professional life. This course will introduce the basics of how to address multi-issue, multi-stakeholder environmental disputes. Students learn how to map the complexity of such disputes and the shared connections and values. Specific skills to be addressed include: identifying invested stakeholders, getting stakeholders to the table, setting ground rules, negotiating in good faith, facilitation vs. mediation, how to use caucuses (private discussions) to move an agenda forward and building consensus.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5040: Consulting Skills

    This course will address the spectrum from responding to a Request for Proposal (RFP), as well as a Request for Qualification (RFQ), to managing a project within budget and on time and producing a robust consultant’s report/documentation. In addition, guidance will provide how to manage project staff and build relationships with potential sub-contractors. Students will learn how to establish a billing rate and bidding a price for services rendered. Tips will be given on how to best market one’s service, which changes if the work is new to the consultant’s portfolio versus if there is a track-record for a specific type of work product.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5080: Conservation Psychology Theory & Applic

    Conservation psychology is the scientific study of the reciprocal relationships between humans and the rest of nature, with the practical goal of promoting environmental sustainability and quality of life. This course will provide an overview of relevant approaches from psychology as they apply to environmental conservation. We will examine relationships among social, cognitive, affective and behavioral processes from both theoretical and applied perspectives. A new textbook devoted to conservation psychology will be used, along with additional readings. There will be a variety of assignments and activities. In addition to becoming conversant with basic psychological concepts, students will practice applying conservation psychology and social marketing techniques. Students will choose the topic for their final project, which may range from conservation biology, sustainable business, resource management, education, land use planning, to advocacy. On completion of the course, students will have a better understanding of how the tools of conservation psychology can be used for a wide range of conservation practice.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5090: Fact or Fiction: The Science of Misinformation

    The denial of scientific evidence represents an increasingly serious problem. False information and conspiracy theories about climate change have confused the public and stalled support for mitigation policies, obfuscated peoples’ recognition of the biodiversity crisis and contributed to the success of far-right populist campaigns like Brexit. But why do people believe in conspiracy theories and/or anchor to misinformed beliefs even in the face of mounting scientific evidence to the contrary? What makes a person spread information that may have little basis in scientific fact or reason? This course examines the psychological factors (e.g., personality traits, cognitive biases) that make people vulnerable to misinformation and conspiracy theories. The course integrates psychological, political, and communications research to interrogate the causes, consequences, and tenacity of environmental misinformation and conspiracy theories (e.g., chemtrails, climate change, extinction denialism, renewable energies, etc.) and the strategies we can employ to combat it. We will examine how individuals’ susceptibility to information has been exploited, in part, by the media, political elites, and flawed information environments. Furthermore, we will assess the history and role of false information and misleading narratives in supporting the maintenance of structural inequality and power. The goal of this course is not to teach you what to think. Rather, the goal of this course is to teach you how to think about environmental/scientific information and the way it is (mis)represented.
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous),Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5100: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

    This is an introductory course in the use of GIS software to create, manage and work with spatially explicit data. The class will explore how to access GIS information available on the WWW, extract and analyze data using ArcGIS 10.0 software, understand limitations associated with various data sources, technical vocabulary, and preparation of maps for digital presentations. This is a computer based course with emphasis on the language of GIS and real world application.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England,Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5110: Indigenous Knowledge Systems & Environmental Sustainability

    Indigenous Knowledge is the traditional knowledge of Indigenous peoples, a coherent knowledge system that, through cultural traditions and practices, fully integrates the arts and sciences with practical knowledge of conservation, agriculture, medicine, education, and other components of daily life. This course is not about the Indigenous knowledge of any specific people because that knowledge is passed down traditionally as intergenerational knowledge, but focuses on the interface between Euro-American knowledge systems and Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS). It is designed for students who are interested in learning about cross-cultural theories of knowledge and practice and serving in cross-cultural contexts in areas such as education, conservation, agriculture, and environmental sustainability. We will examine literature on the historical, cultural, and philosophical origins of IKS, indigenous education and research. We will also explore practical guidelines for learning about another culture, respecting intellectual property rights, and developing ethical protocol for working with Indigenous peoples.
    Min. Credits: 2.0 Max Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5150: Environmental Advocacy: The Essentials

    All environmental professionals, from conservation biologists to environmental educators, from climate change adaptation professionals to resource managers, need to understand the essentials of effective advocacy. Advocacy has been core to effective environmental outcomes for generations. We will learn through advocacy-based case studies, debates about the ethical role of advocacy relative to one’s career, and exploration of one’s personal relationship to advocacy. Our inquiry into the essentials of advocacy will draw from international scholarship on the nature and efficacy of advocacy. We will also consider how a range of actors, including scientists, environmental professionals, educators, and citizens, engage in effective advocacy for the promotion of positive environmental behavior, resilience, social justice, and sustainability outcomes. We will explore possible scenarios for advocacy in course participants’ own professional and civic engagement and in the organizations, communities, professional and personal networks, and polities with which they engage.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5171: Justice, Equity and the Environment

    Historically, social movements have been strongest when they involve large numbers of people who unite across social barriers such as race, class, and gender for a common purpose. Social movements are weakest, however, when the prejudices and power relationships of the larger society remain unchallenged within their own organizations. This situation often leaves the environmental movement vulnerable to ‘divide and conquer’ strategies by power-holders and reduces the creativity and effectiveness of environmental organizations by marginalizing the voices, insights, and potential contributions of women, people of color, working-class participants, or ethnic and religious minorities. Now, more than ever, building an environmental movement, and its constituent organizations, based on solid working relationships, a spirit of trust, shared interest, and solidarity across the social boundaries of race, gender, class, geography, and culture is a prerequisite for a lasting transition towards a more sustainable world. This class will focus on both the theory and practice of diversity, inclusion, and culture competence with a particular emphasis on: 1) understanding the dynamics of social oppression; 2) building effective relationships across difference; and 3) addressing power dynamics as well as the other challenges in creating diverse organizations and effective coalitions. Field Trip fee applies.
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5191: Environmental Data Analysis

    This course encourages successful ecological field research by building skills in hypothesis generation, experimental design, data screening, use of correct statistical analyses, and effective presentation of results. Basic univariate parametric and non-parametric statistical procedures (chi-square and related tests; ANOVA; regression and correlation analyses, generalized linear models) are reviewed. Through lectures, in-class laboratory exercises using R, group homework projects, and analysis of quantitative methods used in current studies of conservation biology, students develop skills needed to design effective field research aimed at biodiversity conservation and natural lands management.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5210: Advanced Statistics and Data Management

    This course will provide students with a foundation in advanced statistics and data management commonly used in the fields of ecology and natural resource management. The class will build upon knowledge learned in the Biostatistics class for MS students, or the Research Strategies I class for PhD students, either of which is a prerequisite to take this advanced course. Students are expected to already be familiar with using R, as well as be familiar with classical tests (t-tests), contingency tables, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and simple and multiple linear regression.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Prerequisites: Take ES-7270: Research Strategy I - Quantitative OR ES-5191: Environmental Data Analysis
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5240: Proposal Writing & Project Planning

    The skills in this course will build a foundation for applying and winning grants or successfully responding to Requests for Proposals to conduct studies or providing consultant services for either public or provide sector clients. The course will focus on gaining competency in the three phases of the grants process: planning, research, and writing. Students will research and explore public and private funding sources appropriate to the human services and environmental fields. The criteria for selecting potential funding sources, the basic elements of a proposal, and developing successful collaborative efforts will be emphasized. Students will also be coached on how to develop effective collaborative partnership and research teams to enhance the likelihood of winning grants or contracts. Once a grant or project is secure the skills to effectively manage a project in order of prescribed timelines and budgets will be shared. This will include how to develop clear objectives, timelines, benchmarks and expectations for partners and subcontractors to the effort. *Additional contact hours will be met through online readings, discussions, and assignments.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5260: Advocacy: Applied Methods

    We will tackle theory, practice, and research as a means of understanding effective venues, strategies and tactics for advocacy. We will engage in ‘hands on’ opportunities to build skills, knowledge, experience, and demonstrated ability. We will explore the role of the environmental professional as advocate in the formation and implementation of public policy at a range of scales and domains: international, national, state, and local levels and within private sector organizations and industries. This includes an advanced discussion of the environmental professional as a change agent in social, political, and economic contexts, and the environmental professional’s roles within private and public sectors. Course participants will research an environmental issue, identify a theory of change, and create a roadmap for effective ways to achieve outcomes. Issues include biodiversity conservation, climate change, community resilience, environmental justice, food security, indigenous rights, and sustainable development.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5310: Principles of Organizational Management

    This course will provide an overview of the aspects that makes an organization operate efficiently and sustainably, within the context of a “triple bottom line” of profit, people and planet. The course will introduce how to consider an organization as a system that has five primary foci: supply chains, human resources, financial administration, communication and clients. Students will gain theory in: power dynamics and ethical behavior within an organization, management/leadership styles that are exhibited across various types of organizations, team formation that allows a manager to effectively tap expertise in all aspects of an organization so to meet social value goals and revenue projections. Skill development in project management is at the heart of the course, including: communicating effectively, managing conflict, goal and objective setting, bench marking and time management.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5312: Introduction to Financial Management and Budgets

    This course will introduce both the language and construct of any organization’s financial framework. This foundational knowledge will allow you to be invited to the table when budgets are created that addresses complex challenges on the landscape.  Students will be introduced to the core three aspects of financial administration: 1) financial sustainability of an organization, reflected in the income statement (profit/loss statement) 2) the Achilles Heel of cash flow that can be the death of any organization 3) the factors informing financial management decisions for investing in new sustainable practice, including the discount rate, opportunity costs, and impact to supply chains and product demand. Related to these topics will be how to set up an internal enterprise fund to build upon initial financial successes
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5582: Research Seminar

    This course will prepare students for their Master’s thesis or project requirement by taking them through the steps of proposal conceptualization and development. Through reading, writing, discussions, and presentations, students will learn how to select and develop a research topic, improve their ability to successfully access and review relevant research and theory, understand the strengths of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research, develop reasonable and testable hypotheses where appropriate, design appropriate methods for conducting research, and establish the necessary professional and academic relationships to support their work. The emphasis in this course is on quantitative life sciences research.
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5700: Climate Change-Resil/Adap/Mit

    Building upon the science presented in Earth Systems and Climate Change, this course is to increase student’s breadth and depth of understanding of, and discourse in, adaptation and mitigation strategies that span changes to technologies, management strategies and communication techniques that allow municipalities and organizations to effectively respond to a changing climate. The course will specifically build skills to recognize a community’s vulnerability and to locate resource, tools, expertize and case studies to assist local decision-makers to take actions to build a community’s resilience. Additional skill development includes operating under, and communicating uncertainty and risk in a manner that still allows actions to be taken. Students are also introduced to framing an economic argument that supports any adaptation or mitigation effort that is being recommended for a community. Finally, components of utilizing social media and development of a social marketing approach will be touched upon in the context of the psychological foundations of effectively communicating climate change to decision-makers and the general public.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5740: Climate Adaptive Lifelong Housing

    Throughout the evolution of our species, the design of our dwelling has been crucial in helping humans survive inclement climates. Research examining how the design of contemporary homes can safeguard vulnerable residents during climate-amplied weather events is an emerging area of professional interest. Since most disaster victims are found “in and around their homes”, this issue is increasingly urgent, especially as the National Academy of Sciences offer climate trends and projections that suggest the frequency and intensity of environmental stressors will continue to rise as we experience global changes. This module will introduce students to the concept of climate adaptive lifelong housing and encourage critical thinking regarding housing needs of the most vulnerable community members during extreme weather events. After this module, students will be able to identify supports and barriers to building climate-informed housing which can safeguard the most vulnerable people.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England,Antioch University
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous),Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5750: Special Topics

    The Special Topics courses change from term to term according to student and program interests.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5810: Climate Change: Science, Uncertainty, And Risk

    Human activity has exacerbated the shift in global climate and is resulting in impacts to natural systems and human-built infrastructure, which will influence future economic development and business decision-making. In the Fifth Assessment Report, the IPCC concluded: “Human influence on the climate system is clear, and recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in history. Recent climate changes have had widespread impacts on human and natural systems” (IPCC, 2014a). These impacts include sea level rise, flooding, droughts, heat waves, and other extreme weather events. The concept of resilience associated with the ecological field has appeared in various discourses, and since Holling (1973), has had a substantial impact in the field. The term resilience has resulted in different interpretations by different fields of study. Since Holling (1973), there have been distinctions made between the uses in engineering, psychology, economics, disaster risk management, ecological, and socio-ecological resilience in the climate change discourse. Many municipal decision-makers tend to think of climate change preparedness as engineering resilience. They strive to return to or “bounce back” to what the community looked like and how it functioned prior to a disaster. However, this prior state may have included social injustice, inadequate public infrastructure and housing, other hazard vulnerability, and a weak local economy. Therefore it is important to define and recognize the aspects of resilience that involve “transformative socio-political change”. In addition, resilience needs to incorporate both the spatial and temporal scales to be successful and not result in mal-adaptive solutions. The glossary of the AR5-WGII report defines maladaptation as: “Actions that may lead to increased risk of adverse climate-related outcomes, increased vulnerability to climate change, or diminished welfare, now or in the future”. Unfortunately, there exists a myriad of climate responses that can increase resilience for one group, sector or geographic location while simultaneously increasing vulnerability for a different system, location or group of individuals. This module consists of foundational knowledge in the science of our changing climate, understanding the boundaries of “uncertainty” in future projections being posited by the scientific community, how to translate the “risk” being faced by a community, business, or sector, and finally, the different concepts of climate resilience and how they manifest as solutions.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5820: Climate Impacts: Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning

    Local and regional governments are leaders in climate change due to their unique position to make a wide range of decisions that can mitigate and adapt to our changing climate. Because they are on the frontline, many communities have conducted vulnerability assessments and engaged in adaptation planning. This module will enable participants to assess impacts to a business, community, or sector based on specific climate projections for a specific locale. This focuses on identifying what and who are most vulnerable to such impacts, which requires the ability to facilitate a stakeholder process to prioritize these identified vulnerabilities, including with respect to business supply chains, and actionable responses. This module will also provide you with the overview of planning for resiliency and adaptation at different scales. After this module, you should feel comfortable knowing what steps need to be taken to integrate resiliency recommendations and projects into community planning and policy processes.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5830: Climate Impacts: Communication and Engagement

    There is broad scientific consensus that climate change is occurring and is caused by human actions. However, there is limited implementation of climate adaptation to help create resilient local communities. Local and regional governments have access to a wide range of resources that can help them become more resilient to climate impacts. Even with this information, communities still face significant barriers bridging the gap from planning to action. In fact, the US Third National Climate Assessment lists implementation as the number one significant gap in the success of adaptation. In order to overcome many of these barriers at the local level, civic engagement is needed to support municipal implementation of climate mitigation and adaptation actions. Engagement is a broad term that is often a precursor toward a specific action or behavior. In order to sufficiently engage the public on climate change, it is important to understand how people relate to this issue. In particular, what prompts individuals to take action or become involved in an issue. If we are looking for community members to collaboratively solve complex issues to achieve climate resilience, then we need to have a thorough understanding why people engage in an issue or specific behaviors. Collective actions at the societal level (civic or political action behaviors) include involvement and support of policies, plans, and funding for implementation of municipal projects that could increase local climate resilience. Community engagement with the issue of climate change typically is lacking at the local level. How individuals feel about climate change, how much they know about the issue, and how they act are all types of engagement that are needed for societal change. Research indicates a range of predictors that affect engagement, including emotions, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, identities, knowledge, worldviews and values, personal efficacy, response efficacy, mental models, meaningfulness, habits, routines, and social and cultural context. This module will provide guidance on how to effectively engage the general pubic in order to build the political will and public support needed for implementation. Learn how to identify and implement an effective communication and engagement strategy through evidence-based tactics, including a stakeholder process that can be used to develop place based responses. The course will also touch on the inequity of impact to populations due to climate change and build understanding of the social justice ramifications associated with climate change vulnerabilities.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5840: Business Resilience and Continuity

    Flooding, drought, wildfires and sea-level storm surges are threatening the sustainability of businesses and the safety of those organizations’ personnel. US Former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg published Risky Business to hi-light the near term impact to businesses and the economy from a changing climate. One projection made from that report is that within the next 15 years, the Eastern Seaboard and the Gulf of Mexico could see a $ 35 billion loss from hurricanes and other coastal storms combined with a rising sea level. The economic impact from 2017 wildfire season was more than 85 billion dollars, and the 2018 season is projected to exceed that. Our changing climate is fueling the frequency and severity of the impacts we are experiencing in the United States and businesses need to plan and prepare for the possibility of extended closures, supply chain disruption and employees at risk. This module will address what businesses should do to reduce their vulnerability to climate mediate impacts and build resilience in their organization, and for their employees, so they can “bounce-back” quickly after any unforeseen disruption. Topics to be addressed will include: securing data, building resilience upstream in supply chains, having access to sources of credit, working downstream with clients, developing plans for staffing and reducing the vulnerability of employees.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5850: Climate Response: Costs and Financing

    Already communities are being impacted by a changing climate: the flooding of communities along the Eastern Seaboard and Gulf Coast due to sea-level rise, the long-term droughts in the South and Upper Midwest, the wildfires and subsequent landslides in the West and the hospitalization and associated deaths from extreme temperatures in cities due to extreme temperatures. In responding to such climate-mediated impacts there are three leading criteria in choosing a response strategy: effectiveness of any specific recommendation, ease of implementation and costs. This module focuses on the associated costs analyses that should accompany any on-the-ground response to projected climate impacts. Marginal cost analysis will be covered, as well as dollar-based valuation approaches, including avoided damage costs, replacement costs and substitution costs. The issue of financially discounting the future in light of inaction will be addressed. Finally, funding sources and financing strategies will be introduced.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5860: Climate Justice and Equitable Adaptation

    Climate change disproportionately affects communities of color and communities facing poverty. This module will focus on understanding how the intersections of social injustice and climate change can intensify the effect of climate impacts in communities that have been historically marginalized. This course will train current and future resilience professionals to work in a more inclusive manner with diverse constituencies and to advocate for and implement strategies that yield more equitable outcomes. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about equitable adaptation strategies and tools, as well as on-the ground case studies from a community-based perspective. Participants will learn process oriented methods and outcome oriented strategies for integrating equity considerations into climate resilience initiatives in various settings, as well as developing interpersonal and leadership skills that will allow them to effectively support equitable outcomes in their work.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5870: Climate Change: Public Health

    Human activity has exacerbated the shift in global climate and is resulting in impacts to natural systems and human-built infrastructure, which will influence future economic development and business decision-making. In the Fifth Assessment Report, the IPCC concluded: “Human influence on the climate system is clear, and recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in history. Recent climate changes have had widespread impacts on human and natural systems”(IPCC, 2014a). These impacts include sea level rise, flooding, droughts, heat waves, and other extreme weather events. This module consists of foundational knowledge in the science of our changing climate, understanding the boundaries of “uncertainty” in future projections being posited by the scientific community, how to translate the “risk” being faced by a community, business, or sector, and finally, the different concepts of climate resilience and how they manifest as solutions.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5890: Global Cultural Awareness & Literacy

    This course is designed for students who are willing to critically analyze the concept of global citizenship in an increasingly connected world full of social, political, and environmental challenges. We will draw on recent research on this topic and examine the importance of certain skills for global cultural awareness, literacy and education, and subsequently focus on cross-cultural communication skills as part of being a globally oriented citizen of the 21st century. This course will help students appreciate the complexity and dynamics involved in globalization and the legacies of Western imperialism, enhance students’ self-reflection of their own culture in relation to other cultures, and develop a cross-cultural understanding of other societies. Additionally, the multidisciplinary nature of this course provides opportunity for multilevel discussions and interventions. Students are encouraged to be reflexive and self-interrogative, and they are challenged to relate to their own national, cultural, and personal context. Particular ideas and specific wishes from the students are, of course, largely respected.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5900: Communications in the Digital Age

    How can digital and social media be used to educate, advocate, bridge social divides, and change environmental policies and behaviors? Are such technologies even suitable to these purposes? How can we be inclusive in our use of online communication when the majority of the world’s population has limited or no access to computers? What are appropriate technologies for various instructional needs in an era of globalization? This course covers current issues in educational technology and practical applications of 21st century technological skills essential for environmental leaders and educators in the digital age. Participants will explore theories, research, and innovative approaches to the use of technology in Environmental Education and Environmental Communications. Students will become familiar with strategies to use technology effectively in various environmental studies contexts.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-5980: School Law

    This is a seminar designed to provide knowledge about school law and the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, sex, age or handicapping condition. Through lecture, case discussion, and debate, students will be able to understand the theoretical underpinnings of egalitarian social reform, the differences between public policy, and the principal components and content of relevant policy documents as well as the benefits and limitations of policy in this area.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6000: Collaborative Service Init-Capstone Project

    The Collaborative Service Initiative (CSI) course provides students, with faculty oversight, work on an applied external project. This can include applied ecological or social research, energy and materials management, evaluation, or other consultation projects. These projects are completed over the course of a semester by teams of 3 to 5 graduate students with guidance and support from AUNE faculty and staff. Students participate in the selection of potential projects and team formation during the semester preceding their CSI project. Each team chooses one of the proposed external partner projects and then collaborates with this partner organization to develop a defined scope of work, seek solutions to the client-identified challenges, and provide high quality deliverables. The CSI experience will provide an experiential learning opportunity for students and deepen their engagement with a community partner. *Additional contact hours will be met through online readings, discussions and assignments.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Thesis / Dissertation
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6012: Regeneration and Sustainable Development

    Historically, urban development relies on materials (food, water, energy, and natural resources) to provide basic needs and consumer goods to support the needs of the human population. These materials are typically discarded as waste after being consumed by the population. This predominant linear pathway of material flows has resulted in unsustainable and inequitable societies. Sustainable development is using resources to improve society’s well-being in a way that does not destroy or undermine the support systems needed for future growth. In 1987, the Brundtland Commission published its report, Our Common Future, and provided the oft-cited definition of sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (United Nations, 1987, p. 43). Adopted by 193 countries in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global plan of 17 goals to end extreme poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the planet by 2030. While the SDG goals are vital to protect our social and natural systems, Regenerative Sustainable Development (RSD) includes and transcends the goals aspiring to increase the well-being and health of all ecosystems; it is an approach that builds the capacity of natural support systems needed for future growth. In this type of development, principles of living systems must guide all strategies and indicators when dealing with all materials and energy flows in our social/human systems. In this course, students will describe and discuss the SDGs and how they apply to social and natural systems; learn how to apply a regenerative approach to sustainable development goals using recent frameworks; identify and select an equity framework to be included in regenerative sustainable development strategies; assess the environmental relevance of material flows and carbon emissions associated with community development, and compare and contrast various evaluation/indicators for assessing progress towards regenerative system goal.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6030: Land Use and Protection Techniques For Resource Managers

    Whether your professional goal is to work for a land trust, a planning agency or working within an environmental consulting firm, or even for an NGO such as The Nature Conservancy or Trust For Public Lands this course provides the necessary foundation of theory and skills on how to effectively approach land preservation, conservation, restoration or mitigation of the impacts of human development to natural ecosystems and the environment. This course builds an understanding of the union of the landscape attributes of geology, soils, hydrology and the location of distinct natural communities in order to inform decisions about appropriate land use and natural resource management policies to implement in specific locations. As part of this course, students will become familiar with, and receive specific emphasis on planning techniques that avoid and mitigate impacts to the natural environment from land development decisions. The course will necessarily take into account projected impacts to the landscape exacerbated by a changing climate.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6031: Land Use, Community & Urban Planning

    Imagine an urban settlement in the United States that operates as a natural complex system to establish a sustainable, resilient, equitable, and regenerative urban environment. This course will provide the necessary foundation of theory and skills on how to effectively approach land use and community planning. Multiple scales will be addressed in regards, to land use decision-making and protection, from a region down to individual parcel development. A framework will be explored that considers climate change, material flow/pathways, scale, equity and social wellbeing, and natural systems/infrastructure.
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6032: Stewardship and Land Protection Techniques

    Whether your professional goal is to work for a land trust, watershed association, government agency, or even for NGOs such as The Nature Conservancy or Trust for Public Lands, this course provides the necessary foundation of theory and skills on how to effectively approach land preservation, conservation and restoration. We will build m1derstanding of natural systems within a planning context, framed by the tenets of sustainable development. This knowledge informs policy decisions by watershed managers, land trusts and planning organizations to achieve climate resilience, preservation, conservation and restoration at multiple land use scales.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6100: Geographic Info Systems (GIS) Advanced

    This course focuses on using real world examples and exercises to provide instruction on creating spatial models and predictive models, analyzing spatial patterns and dependence, deriving landscape and terrain variables as input for modeling, and creating professionally attractive maps using time-aware data. The course is intended for candidates from fields ranging from conservation and environmental sciences, business administration, urban planning and sustainability, advocacy and social justice. The content for this course includes raster data manipulation, analysis and interpretation, advanced data editing, regression, suitability The content for this course includes raster data manipulation, analysis and interpretation, advanced data editing, regression, suitability and hotspot analysis, change detection, spatial distribution models, environmental assessment, and impact analysis, and human footprint analysis. ArcGIS Desktop, Quantum GIS, gvSIG, Google Earth, InVest, and Maxent, in combination with statistical packages such as SPSS will be used. To take this course, candidates are required to have successfully completed the first section of the certificate program. This is a hybrid course which can be taken completely on line. Students local to the AUNE campus may attend onsite during online sessions.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England,Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6105: Geographic Info Systems(GIS) Applied

    This course focuses on real-world applications of GIS. The students translate knowledge and applied GIS skills into problem-solving applications on the ground, working with a client. A student will spend a month with a client. The workload should total a minimum of 140 hours which includes check-in and troubleshooting meetings with the instructor. The candidate works under joint supervision from both the client and the course instructor. At the end of the course, the GIS certificate candidate is expected to provide a final project report including GIS deliverables (maps, models, processed data, etc.) to the client according to the terms of the agreement between the client and the course instructor. At the end of the course, the student should be able to: -Apply various GIS spatial analysis tools in a variety of platforms including ArcGIS, QGIS, DNRGPS and GPS to solve a real-world problem -Use cartography/map design principles to produce effective maps and communicate effectively with the audience. -Work independently on GIS Projects to meet information needs from a client -Collect, manage, organize, update and share GIS data professionally
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England,Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Prerequisites: ES-5100: Geog Info Sys (GIS),ES-6100: Geog Info Sys (GIS) Advanced
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6105X: Applied GIS Continuation

    This course is a continuation of ES-6105. Students register only if instructed to do so by faculty. The students in the applied course translate knowledge and applied GIS skills into problem-solving applications on the ground, working with a client in a practicum situation. The student works under joint supervision from both the client and the course instructor. At the end of the course, the GIS certificate candidate is expected to provide a final project report including GIS deliverables (maps, models, processed data, etc.) to the client according to the terms of the agreement between the client and the course instructor.
    Min. Credits: 0.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6200: Introduction to Participatory Gis

    What comes to mind when you think of a map? In a purely functionalist sense, a map is a conventional picture of the Earth’s pattern as seen from above. However, maps are more than representations. They can be tools for government (e.g. geopolitics) or a means for people who want to change the way we think about the world (eg. counter-mapping). Consequently, the ability to produce comprehensible and meaningful maps that include spatial, political, and socio-economic data is an increasingly important skill in a variety of fields from governance to social networking and advocacy. This course will offer a comprehensive introduction to both the technical and the practical aspects of map-making, from using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to produce maps to Community-Based approaches for populating them. It will train students to think critically and creatively about visually representing our world through maps by exploring topics on spatial datasets, cartography, collaborative mapping, and basic GIS software, and learning how these skills can be leveraged to conduct effective Participatory GIS projects.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6210: Participatory Action Research

    Participatory action research (PAR) offers environmental professionals an approach to collaborate with communities to analyze social-ecological issues and take collective action to foster positive change. PAR brings together research, community organizing, and project design and management. This course will focus on the theory and principles that inform PAR as well as specific methods and skills needed to carry out PAR in practice. Particular attention will be paid to topics including cultural humility, incorporating multiple ways of knowing, and issues of equity and power. Students will explore approaches to relationship building, participatory data collection and analysis, and community-level action. Students will consider how PAR principles and approaches can enhance their ongoing masters study and their future careers.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6810: Research Project - Peace Corps

    Master’s International Program register for Research Project during their Peace Corps service. In fulfillment of the Research Project, students will design and conduct the fieldwork associated with their master’s thesis research or project.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Thesis / Dissertation
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6820: Research Project II - Peace Corps

    RMC students in the Master’s International Program must register for this additional section of SIS Research Project. In fulfillment of the Research Project, students will design and conduct the fieldwork associated with their master’s thesis research or project.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Thesis / Dissertation
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6900: SIS-Elective

    Faculty approved contract required
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6910: Internship in Life Sciences Teaching

    The purpose of our seminar is to provide you with logistical, moral, and pedagogical support. During this time, we’ll trouble-shoot problems, explore issues related to freedom and discipline, share curriculum ideas, muse about the value of homework, consider record keeping strategies, support your job search, and play with other issues as they emerge. This seminar will also review your coursework in the program as a whole and help to ensure that you have met all the standards for AUNE to make the licensure recommendation to the State of NH. You will need a high-speed connection, web-cam, and headset with microphone and headphones for the online video-conferencing component of this course. Your student teaching experience is intended to demonstrate proficiency in meeting all the NH DoE Science Content and Professional Education Standard as well as address any gaps and unmet standards.
    Min. Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Student Teaching
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6920: Internship Middle Level Science Teachng

    The purpose of our seminar is to provide you with logistical, moral, and pedagogical support. During this time, we’ll trouble-shoot problems, explore issues related to freedom and discipline, share curriculum ideas, muse about the value of homework, consider record keeping strategies, support your job search, and play with other issues as they emerge. This seminar will also review your coursework in the program as a whole and help to ensure that you have met all the standards for AUNE to make the licensure recommendation to the State of NH. You will need a high-speed connection, web-cam, and headset with microphone and headphones for the online video-conferencing component of this course. Your student teaching experience is intended to demonstrate proficiency in meeting all the NH DoE Science Content and Professional Education Standard as well as address any gaps and unmet standards.
    Min. Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Student Teaching
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6922: Internship in Science Teaching and Learning

    The purpose of this seminar is to provide logistical, moral, and pedagogical support alongside your teaching and learning experiences. During this time, we’ll explore issues related to freedom and discipline, share curriculum ideas, trouble-shoot problems, muse about the value of homework, consider record keeping strategies, support your job search, and play with other issues as they emerge. You will need a high-speed connection, web-cam, and headset with microphone and headphones for the online video-conferencing component of this course. Your student teaching experience is intended to support your development as caring and competent science teachers and educators.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Student Teaching,Field Study,Independent Study
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6940: Life Sci & Mid Lev Sci Teach

    The purpose of our seminar is to provide you with logistical, moral, and pedagogical support. During this time, we’ll trouble-shoot problems, explore issues related to freedom and discipline, share curriculum ideas, muse about the value of homework, consider record keeping strategies, support your job search, and play with other issues as they emerge. This seminar will also review your coursework in the program as a whole and help to ensure that you have met all the standards for AUNE to make the licensure recommendation to the State of NH. You will need a high-speed connection, web-cam, and headset with microphone and headphones for the online video-conferencing component of this course. Your student teaching experience is intended to demonstrate proficiency in meeting all the NH DoE Science Content and Professional Education Standard as well as address any gaps and unmet standards.
    Min. Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Student Teaching
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6960: Professional Internship

    The Internship provides students with an opportunity to apply, in an organizational setting, what they are learning and to develop professional contacts within their fields of interest. While students are responsible for locating internships, faculty members are available to provide support and information as needed.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Student Teaching
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6960X: Internship & Seminar Continuation

    This course is a continuation of ES-6960. The Internship provides students with an opportunity to apply, in an organizational setting, what they are learning and to develop professional contacts within their fields of interest. While students are responsible for locating internships, faculty members are available to provide support and information as needed.
    Min. Credits: 0.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Student Teaching
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6965: Professional Internship Capstone

    To earn a Master’s in Environmental Studies (ESMS) all students under the 36-credit curriculum must complete a capstone requirement. Students may choose to undertake a second internship to meet this requirement, with the goal of gaining additional professional experience in their field. A capstone internship is designed to be a culminating experience that bridges the student’s academic learning with their professional career. It allows the student to put their acquired knowledge and skills into action by integrating classroom theory into practice, while gaining new skills through on-site professional development and active networking. Students work with their academic advisor and the Internship Director to find an appropriate internship host organization. The student’s academic advisor must approve the student’s placement prior to registering for this course.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous),Online (asynchronous),Clinical Training
    Prerequisites: ES-6960: Professional Internship
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6975: Masters Thesis Research

    This course is designed for ES master’s students who are pursuing a Master’s Thesis capstone and who will conduct extensive independent thesis research beyond that of other capstone courses. Students considering this course option would make the decision in close consultation with their academic and thesis advisers. This course fulfills 3-credits of the ES methods courses requirement.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Thesis / Dissertation
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6980: Internship for Mas Intl - Peace Corps

    The Internship provides students with an opportunity to apply, in an organizational setting, what they are learning and to develop professional contacts within their fields of interest. Major projects that students undertake as part of their Peace Corps service will serve as the basis for their internships.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6980X: Peace Corps Svc: Continuation

    This course provideds Doctoral and Master’s students serving in the Peace Corps extended opportunity to complete their course work and projects while abroad. Students should register for Peace Corps Service: Continuation during semesters when they are not taking any others courses.
    Min. Credits: 0.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Field Study
    Either Previous or Concurrent: ES-6980: Internship for MI-Peace Corps
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6990: Master’s Project / Thesis

    The individual master’s capstone can be either a Master’s Project or Master’s Thesis. The Master’s Project or Thesis represents the culmination of a student’s work at Antioch and often reflects the student’s particular focus of study and future professional interest. The goals, content and format of the Master’s Project or Thesis must be approved by the student’s concentration or program director and the ES Department faculty member who has agreed to evaluate the final document before registering.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Thesis / Dissertation
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6990X: Master’s Proj/Thesis Continuation

    Required for all students continuing a Master’s Project or Thesis for which they have previously registered. Students must register for Master’s Project/Thesis Continuation every semester until the Project/Thesis has been completed and signed off by faculty. Enrollment in Master’s Project/Thesis Continuation confers half-time status for Financial Aid and loan deferment purposes.
    Min. Credits: 0.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Thesis / Dissertation
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-6995: Climate Resilience Capstone

    This Capstone represents the culmination of a student’s work across the previous six, 1-credit courses required for the graduate certificate. The Capstone is an opportunity to take theory and skills presented in these courses and apply them to a real-world challenge identified by the student. The type of challenges identified is quite broad considering the multiplicity of potential impacts from a changing climate to the natural and human built infrastructure and institutions. But the Capstone necessarily must be framed so that specific identified objectives can be met within a 15 week period. Within the first weeks of the course, the goals, content, format and timeline of the Capstone must be framed and submitted to the instructor for approval, which requires students to review the Capstone guidelines document and develop a draft before the course formally begins.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Thesis / Dissertation
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-7000: Ecological Thought

    Ecological Thought engages participants in the work of cultural criticism through engagement with ecological worldviews. Where do our ideas about nature come from, and how do they limit our agency, or liberate our communities? From embodied perception to cultural construction, how do we interpret, inherit, revise and share the stories we tell about self, other, nature? To gain familiarity with critical theory in environmental context, students will focus on ‘nature writing’ through texts as diverse as the autobiography, Main Street, parks, environmental advocacy, ecotourism, and museum exhibits. This course emphasizes the development of communication skills, including application of concepts and tools in rhetoric and discourse to the creation and interpretation of traditional and contemporary environmental texts as well as visual forms, such as architecture and design, and new media.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-7025: Principles of Ecology

    This course is designed to provide participants with the methods and strategies needed to apply ecological principles in research. Interpretive tools, research methods, and theoretical approaches include basic statistical analysis and design, field ecology techniques, and computer models or simulations. Using ecological principles as a foundation, other approaches such as natural resource inventory, ecological impact assessment, and ecological restoration are covered. The course has a case study orientation, emphasizing contemporary ecological problems in diverse habitats, exploring the common problems and solutions that emerge. Additional contact hours will be met by specific coursework designed to be completed online.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-7030: Global Environmental Change

    This course focuses on the natural and anthropogenic transformations of earth’s environment, transformations whose underlying processes occur across a multiplicity of space and time scales and whose nonlinear interrelationships complicate prediction. Global environmental change has conditioned the earth for life, but human economic and population growth have dramatically accelerated environmental change during the past two centuries. We will examine long-term records of environmental change and the array of approaches and methods employed to understand evolution and behavior of the earth system, in order to contextualize historic and recent trends. Assessment of global change models and scenarios will provide information critical for evaluating the magnitude and significance of human forcing of change, ecosystem and societal vulnerability, and approaches to sustainability. Additional contact hours will be met by specific coursework designed to be completed online.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-7040: Environmental History

    This course examines the historical, cultural, and philosophical origins of our concepts of the environment. This course provides an overview of the environmental history of New England, the US, and world environmental history. Students participate in many approaches to history, from historiographical, social, political, and literary history to artistic approaches. In this course, students develop a framework for understanding how our conception of the environment has changed through time, and strengthen their understanding of how historical and philosophical issues engage and inform current debates. Additional contact hours will be met by specific coursework designed to be completed online.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-7050: Political Economy & Sustainability

    Political economy seeks to explain how political institutions, the economic system, applied sciences, and social movements interact over time. This course will focus on how these dynamics generate varied outcomes in relation to the goals of sustainability, justice, and economic well-being. Students will examine the political and economic roots of the global sustainability crisis. Students will assess political and economic reforms, policy processes, and policy tools that might yield better outcomes. Students will also develop a greater understanding of possible action strategies from within civil society, the business sector, government, and/or international bodies for creating a transition toward a more sustainable society. Students will explore theories, evidence, and controversies associated with the political, social, cultural, and/or economic dimensions of a specific topic relevant to their doctoral interests. Additional contact hours will be met by specific coursework designed to be completed online.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-7060: Dissertation Advising

    The ES-PhD program is a research degree that is founded upon careful planning, conducting, and completing a significant interdisciplinary environmental studies research project that leads to the completion of a dissertation. Each term the student is required to work with the course instructor (their Dissertation Advisor) during their progress in planning, conducting, and completing their dissertation research. Their work with their Dissertation Advisor can include: 1) planning their Learning Domain courses, 2) choosing their dissertation committee members, 3) developing and defending their dissertation proposal, 4) finalizing dissertation research methodology, 5) completing the IRB process 6) identifying research site(s), 7) conducting their field research and data collection, 8) reviewing research results, 9) writing their dissertation, 10) defending their dissertation, and 11) formal depositing of their dissertation. The instructor (Dissertation Advisor) will assess the student’s work as either “Pass” or “No Pass.” For the student to receive a “Pass” they will need to demonstrate satisfactory progress in one or more of these areas as described in more detail in the ES-PhD Doctoral Student Handbook.
    Min. Credits: 0.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Thesis / Dissertation
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-7070: Intro Research Dsgn

    The purpose of this course is to become familiar with a variety of research paradigms and to study the different lenses that they provide for viewing and understanding both physical and social phenomena. Environmental Studies, as well as other AUNE faculty will join us each day to support you in designing, conducting, analyzing, and presenting your findings of original mini-studies that reflect different research paradigms. These experiences will ground discussions of theory in the practical concerns of research and help inform the initial development of a research proposal that interests and excites you.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies

  • ES-7260: Doctoral Learning Domain Seminar

    A series of lectures and workshops in this course are designed to provide students with the intellectual depth and research tools to define their learning domain. The students will engage in library research to fill out their individual knowledge maps, and the attendant literature on theoretical and applied dimensions of the thought collectives, theories, research applications and controversies associated with the learning domain. Students will discuss their work with leading scholars and writers and learn how others set the framework for and carry out their research. By the end of the course, students will have produced a blueprint to guide their learning through the coming year. Additional contact hours will be met by specific course work designed to be completed online.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ New England
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Environmental Studies


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