Sep 22, 2024  
University Catalog 2024-2025 
University Catalog 2024-2025

Courses By School

  • GBL-3000: History of Globalization

    The goal of this course is to explore the history of globalization from several different angles, to allow students to develop a strong foundation in knowledge about the different perspectives available in the scholarly community. Starting from a basic definition of globalization and developing critical thinking regarding the areas of global political influence, global military influence, and global economic influence in a historic sequence. Review of philosophies for each of the influence areas supported by group projects and interactive classroom activities will allow the students to get a broad overview of how globalization developed and why it has taken on such a dominant role in current global political and business discussions.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • GBL-3012: Displaced Persons: Immigrants & Refugees

    This class will explore why people worldwide need to move from their native lands to new locales, the terms used to describe this movement and the factors associated with the need to move including war, famine, climate change, political economic systems and globalization. We will explore questions related to the politics behind the movement of people, and why nation states struggle to apply a uniform immigration policy in a world dominated by transnational corporations need for a fluid labor force. We will also examine specific examples of immigrant/refugee communities in the United States and the struggles they have faced to become accepted members of the American mosaic.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • GBL-3140: Conflict Management I: Nature and Cause

    An interdisciplinary examination of individual, group, organizational, national and transnational conflicts in the ‘Ages of Globalization and Terrorism.’ The world is irreversibly interdependent and marked by the free flow of capital, goods, people, knowledge and ideas, and at the same time subject to the increasingly turbulent forces of nationalism, ethnicity, religion and the spread of destructive technological capabilities (nuclear arms). By examining the root causes of conflict from the perspective of biology, psychology, economics and business, politics and technology, students will delve into the nature and sources of modern conflict, the strategies and tactics most often employed by disputants and the dynamic and structural forces that cause conflict to escalate, stalemate, deescalate and ultimately settle.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • GBL-3610: Global Economics

    Beginning with a review of essential concepts in economics, this course focuses on the international and cross-cultural nature of contemporary economic phenomena. Emphasis is on macroeconomics, rather than microeconomics. Theoretical concepts are applied to specific cases, such as economic relationships between the US and other countries.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • GBL-3801: Global Women’s Health

    This class will explore the social and biological factors impacting women’s health, with special emphasis on the countries of the Global South: Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Women’s and girls’ health is linked to many dimensions, including the type of work they do, access to food and water, sanitation, cultural practices regarding pregnancy and childbirth, and access to health care services, as well as local patterns of disease and other health concerns. As we explore these questions, we will seek the voices of the women of the Global South, and explore how local communities are coming together to improve women’s health. Topics will include the role of traditional birth attendants, the impact of poverty, violence against women, safe practices for childbirth, as well as the innovative programs for health education provided by community health workers in many rural communities. We will also attempt to explore the impact of the current pandemic on women and girls in communities of the Global South.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • GBL-3900: Special Topics in Global Studies

    Includes course offerings of special interest in global studies
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • GBL-3941: Spc Topics in Global Studies

    Every quarter, a variety of one-unit seminars are offered on contemporary topics.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • GBL-3960: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • GBL-4800: Special Topics in Global Studies

    Includes course offerings of special interest a
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 8.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • GER-3500: Prior Learning: Gerontology

  • HCA-4000: Econ, Politics & Access in Healthcare

    This course investigates the tripartite relationship between Medicine, Government and Business. Topics for investigation include the privatization of health care delivery, HMOs and government regulation of health care financing and delivery, employer and employee funded health care, publicly funded health care initiatives such as Medicare, Medicaid, and indigent care, and the political economy of nationalized health care system.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HCA-4040: Gender & Multicult Issues in Health Care

    This course will examine ways in which culture and gender affect healthcare and approaches to medicine in the United States today. In particular we will explore gender role expectations, the rise of the “women’s health” movement, ethno medicine, and the psychology of health. The course also explores various ways in which individuals, households, larger groups of people and various medical systems and practitioners attempt to define, interpret and create health, as well as problems that arise from perceptions of difference.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HCA-4250: Fundamentals of Healthcare Administratn

    This course will introduce students to the organizational structures, types of governance, and significant elements and trends of the current U.S. healthcare system. Topics to be covered include: overview of the U.S. healthcare system (private and public sectors) and the various healthcare delivery structures within it, components of the healthcare workforce, healthcare resources, financing of health services, and current critical issues in the field.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HCA-4800: Experientl Learning in Healthcare Admin

    This course is designed to create a link between the academic study of Healthcare Administration and the day-to-day practices of professional work in the field. Students will complete placement hours in an experiential learning environment, and then appropriate issues and observations from the workplace will be shared and analyzed in individual, classroom, and/or online settings. Experiential learning exposes students to the realities that exist in our healthcare communities. Structured experience allows students the opportunity to learn by doing and extend beyond classroom learning to develop and practice skills. Practical exposure to the professional community also provides networking opportunities and prepares students for moving from the classroom to the workforce.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Prerequisites: HCA-4250: Fundmtls of Healthcare Admin
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-3500: Prior Learning: Human Development

  • HDV-3530: Internship

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-3600: Intro to Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth

    In this course, students will be introduced to concepts related to resilience in the face of trauma, or complex trauma.  Students will also develop a self-care plan and discuss general trauma narratives from the lens of meaning making, reframing negative self-speak, normative language, and potential pathways towards defining posttraumatic growth.  Additionally, students will discuss strategies for building trust in social engagements, developing a calm, mind-body state of being, and giving voice to personal narratives through journaling or other student defined forms of expression.  Finally, students will define long-term strategies for safeguarding resilience and maintaining self-care strategies given the uncertainty of personal and social challenges.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-3900: Caring for the Aging

    In order to understand how to care for the aging it is essential to recognize how biological, social, economic, and historical factors influence the aging process, including the numerous controversies surrounding these issues. Therefore this course will provide students with an overview of our aging population and society’s role in this stage of development. Students will examine many of the controversial issues surrounding the care of older people and will be encouraged to engage in discussions and writing assignments that allow them to critique the ideas, theories, and processes from the assigned readings.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4020: Child and Adolescent Development

    This course examines the major theories and research findings in human development from conception and infancy through adolescence with an emphasis on physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development. The impact of contextual variables on the developmental process will be an ongoing focus of discussion.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4030: Adult Development

    This course covers the development of the individual from young adulthood through old age in the context of contemporary society. Physical, psychological, and social changes are examined as they relate to individual and family functioning.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4031: Health & Nutrition Within the Family

    This course examines human growth and development through the life cycle, from prenatal nutrition through old age within the family system. It involves the study of the interrelationship between eating habits and lifestyle and their implications for long term health and wellness. Among the issues covered will be: preventative care; infant and elder care; cardiovascular health; stress; substance abuse; and eating and behavioral disorders. In addition, this course will explore current trends in processing and marketing foods and other important socioeconomic, cultural and life cycle factors that effect human growth and development.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4140: Behavioral Physiology

    This course provides a review of the major anatomical brain structures and physiological systems that affect human behavior, cognition, and emotion. In addition, students will learn how brain function is influenced by external environmental stimuli - like social interactions and contact with animals. Throughout the course there will be an emphasis on both normal and abnormal functioning of the brain. Therefore topics such as left/right hemisphere differences, sex, the physiology of chemical dependency, and brain disorders are also examined.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4195: Dying As a Stage of Life

    This course explores personal death awareness and acceptance, looks at the issues facing dying persons and their families, evaluates the potential for growth at this ending phase of life, examines death through a number of cultural and religious understandings, studies the dynamics of grief, and practices skills for caring for the grieving.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4200: Lives in Transition

    Students reflect upon prior life experience as a source of learning. Guided by theoretical readings students examine their own life and the lives of other course members to learn about such topics as adult life passages, roles, and self-identity. This course may culminate in a major paper to be submitted for prior experiential learning credit.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4210: Contemporary Family Patterns

    This course examines contemporary American marital and family systems, roles, and relationships in their historical, societal, and cultural context. Topics addressed in this course include the relationship and impact that emerging demographic trends, social class, ethnic or cultural composition, changes in gender roles and identities, and work-related issues have on family structures and parenthood.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4230: Systemic & Generational Trauma

    In this course, students will examine systemic trauma and the generational impacts on both the individual and respective communities, to include a brief examination of neurophysiological development as experienced generationally. Students will explore human responses to systemic trauma by evaluating systemic racism, colonialism, patriarchal violence, and environmental destruction. Additionally, students will evaluate representative current literature on systemic oppression and discuss the impacts of systemic and generational trauma in their own experience and that of their communities.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4581: Language Development & Acquisition

    Credential candidates will develop knowledge of foundational theories, skills, and instructional practices necessary to make informed decisions regarding instruction, engagement and assessment that will ensure English language proficiency and academic progress for all students, especially English learners. Affective factors influencing students’ cognitive, social, and linguistic development will be addressed. Credential candidates will also be introduced to relevant federal and state laws, policies, and legal requirements governing the education and assessment of students who are designated as English language learners.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HDV-4910: Ecology of Human Development

    This course examines the effects that the social environment has on human growth and maturation, and how it contributes to the development of persons or groups. This course may include explorations of different cultural models of parenting, of various types of interactions that group members have in neighborhoods or educational settings, and of how work and labor are related to the development of individuals, families, and communities.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HEA-2000CR: Mental Wellness and Creative Expression

    Grounded in cultural arts and creative expression, students will engage with the healing and wellness qualities of creative practices in the lives of young children, youth, adults, and families. The focus will be on exploring early childhood education approaches that support mental wellness in the classroom and community using methodologies of creative expression, including drawing, dancing, painting, poetry, singing, pottery, artisan work, and playing music. Students will engage with the ways that cultural art and creative expression can support children (and families) with decreasing anxiety, calming neural activity, handling intense emotions, relieving stress, processing life events, and responding to micro-aggressions and oppression. Strategies and approaches for addressing the effects of trauma (incidents that cause physical, mental, or emotional harm), PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), PTSS (post-traumatic slave syndrome) and racial trauma (physiological and psychological results of chronic racism, microaggressions, and racial events) will be covered. The intersections of popular education, trauma-informed care, and linguistically and culturally responsive teaching within a cultural arts and creative expression as a healing pedagogy will be considered.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HEA-2000CR: Mental Wellness and Creative Expression

  • HEA-3500: Prior Learning: Health

  • HEA-3530: Internship

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HIS-2500: Prior Learning: History

  • HIS-3240: Catch the Fire: History and Culture of The Black Church

    In this class students explore the historical and cultural underpinnings of African American theology. Tracing the sources of theology from within the black historical experience, a significant focus of study includes the continuing role and engagement of the church in the struggle for racial and social justice. Students critically examine the historical and cultural context of the emergence of the church from its historical roots in Africa, through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and civil rights and Black Power Movements.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HIS-3310A: The Rise of the Black Power Movement and The Black Panther Party

    This course critically examines in historical context, and the intersection of the Civil Rights Movement, Black Power Movement and how the protracted struggles waged by African Americans for social justice and full equality brought about the founding of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Tracing the 1966 formation of the Panther Party in Oakland, California, after the death of Malcolm X in 1965, students will explore the early influence and impact of the Black Power Movement in establishing specific community-based programs, the philosophical and political underpinnings of the BPP emphasis on self-defense, community organizing and empowerment, and how the party organized against the onslaught of the FBI’s Cointelpro program. Students will additionally examine the BPP impact on contemporary movements of social change including the Black Lives Matter Movement and the party’s lasting legacy in current African American culture and political engagement.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HIS-3320: The Immigration Debate in Historical Perspective

    The United States had an essentially open border at the turn of the twentieth century, so why has increased border control become one of the top concerns of many Americans at the start of the twenty-first? The current, often volatile and certainly emotional debates about immigration raise questions about not only the reform of immigration policy, but also the meanings of American citizenship and the futures of the nation. This course will analyze the contemporary immigration controversies through a close examination of their historical roots. Course topics will include the history of immigration policy in the United States; analysis of the relationships between the cultural, political, and economic dimensions of immigration, past and present; engagement with contemporary community groups that take different perspectives on immigration; analysis of the current proposals for immigration reform by the House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, and individual political representatives; and critical comparisons with immigration policies used by other countries.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HIS-3500: Prior Learning: History

  • HIS-3510: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HIS-3530: Internship

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HIS-4012: Bone and Memory: The Dia de Los Muertos Celebration

    This workshop will explore the cultural histories of the Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead ceremony, beginning with its indigenous roots, through various historical and cultural influences, and up to the present time and practices. Special attention will be given to the exchange between the traditional practices of the ceremony and the influences of cultural history over the years. Students will create their own Day of the Dead altars as a way of coming to understand their structural and spiritual significance.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HSA-4200: Human Services Systems and Grants

    This course explores the broad range of human services available in most large communities and the social policy context in which these services are delivered and funded. Topics include the ways in which services are delivered, the interconnections among the various agencies and organizations providing services and how to access these services including the writing of grants. Students have the opportunity to investigate services that are of particular interest to them as well as develop a philanthropy project. In this course, the student develops skills useful in conducting library research on and writing about topics in human development and human services and writing about topics in these fields. It emphasizes the preparation of grant applications in human services settings.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HSA-4300: Issues of Poverty and Hunger In the US

    Utilizing a historical view of the United States, the class will explore how the dominant culture in the U.S. has impacted issues of food security, employment, education and housing–many of the basic needs that build a solid foundation for humans to thrive. This course will also explore economic trends that have been repeated over the past 200 years and allow students to research the impact of these trends on current society.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HSA-5113: Organizational Leadership and Governance

    As the environment for nonprofits continues to change, the demand for measured and innovative nonprofit leadership and governance is at a premium. In this course, students explore the unique aspects of nonprofit board governance with a primary focus on roles and responsibilities of the board, executive leadership, staff, and volunteers; how governing boards function; and elements that contribute to the overall organizational effectiveness and mission achievement.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • HSA-5200: Grant Writing and Resource Development

    This course provides students with a practical understanding of old and new concepts, techniques and theories of nonprofit/human service organization resource development. Students will think creatively about resource generation and learn how to build a story to express organizational need. The course includes a substantive section on the preparation of an effective grant application and exploration of frequent issues like knowing one’s capacity to “get the job done” or creating and implementing outcomes and ensuring realistic expectations and infrastructure for implementation success. The course concludes by highlighting the power in developing non-monetary resources through collaborative partners and building coalitions in order to be more successful systems of financial independence. Course Objectives: 1. Examine the basic concepts, techniques and theories of financial fundraising practices. 2. Tell stories that express the problem and need in order to apply their request to multiple modalities of fundraising. 3. Discover and understand the development and nurture of productive relationships and coalitions that move organizations forward in maintaining resources, capacity, and financial sustainability.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • HSA-5210: Program Planning and Evaluation

    This course introduces students to the purposes of and strategies for program planning in nonprofit organizations. The primary focus of the class is building of the knowledge and skills required of program professionals. Students explore and examine theories, concepts, approaches, and processes fundamental to program planning and evaluation. Using research, reflection and practical application, student will explore the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs that aim to effect change and build capacity of individuals, families, and communities.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • HSA-5230: Human Services Systems and Organizations

    This course examines the organization through which social welfare and social services are delivered. Using systems theory perspective, students will develop a more nuanced perspective on the structure and functioning of complex social service organizations. Topics will include the history of social service agencies, adapting to changes in the social environments, how to grow and develop services, and how to navigate socio-political relationships.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • HSA-5900: Capstone Project

    The course provides an opportunity for students to design and execute an individualized project to integrate and expand on skills and knowledge attained throughout their graduate program. Working with a faculty advisor, students pursue their professional interests by taking one of two approaches, either writing an extended research paper or conducting and reporting on a practical project of use to an organization of their choice. Both approaches involve a written report/artifact and presentation.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • HSA-5995: Independent Study

    This class affords a student the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member to explore a topic of special academic interest or engage in a creative, practice-based learning project. A student is expected to deepen their understanding of the identified topic and present a tangible product representing their learning. The course may consist of directed readings, applied work, independent research, or other activities to address the individualized nature of the course. Approval of an independent study is based on the student’s readiness for independent work and the topic/materials are not a substitute for a required course. A student may not earn more than six (6) credits of independent study.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Independent Study,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • HUM-1100BR: Philosophy: Good Questions for Life

    This course will explore the philosophies of several canonical western thinkers, and attempt to historicize them within a framework usually recognized as the Western Tradition. We will engage in close readings of selected texts. We will expand the student’s view of traditionally accepted philosophers to include the concepts and views of people and societies not normally accorded the respect by university traditionalists. Through putting these texts in conversation with one another as the course progresses, an understanding of the thought, ideas and discourses which animate the western mind, as well as the culture and institutions of western society, will be developed.
    Min. Credits: 2
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-1100BR: Philosophy: Good Questions for Life

  • HUM-1110BR: Literature: Reading Cultures

    This course will explore the philosophies of several canonical western thinkers, and attempt to historicize them within a framework usually recognized as the Western Tradition. We will engage in close readings of selected texts. We will expand the student’s view of traditionally accepted philosophers to include the concepts and views of people and societies not normally accorded the respect by university traditionalists. Through putting these texts in conversation with one another as the course progresses, an understanding of the thought, ideas and discourses which animate the western mind, as well as the culture and institutions of western society, will be developed.
    Min. Credits: 2
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-1110BR: Literature: Reading Cultures

  • HUM-1320: Creative Writing

    Introduces college-level grammar, punctuation, paragraph construction, idea development and citation formats (learning to properly quote from outside sources). Explores how ideas and details are the basis for creating stories that deeply impact readers and cause them to imagine new experiences and ways of thinking.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-1410: Special Topics in Humanities

    Addresses emergent themes and current events cast within one of the four lenses Clemente coursework: US History (e.g. Indigenous History), Art History (e.g. Contemporary Exhibits at Seattle Art Museum), Moral Philosophy (e.g. Presidential Impeachment), and Literature (e.g. Contemporary American Literature).
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-1510: Independent Study: Humanities

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-2010BR: Time Memory and Transformation: Restoring the Salish Sea

  • HUM-2010BR: Time, Memory, and Transformation: Restoring the Salish Sea

    A cooperative reading, writing, and service-learning course offering for students nationwide who have completed or participated Clemente program coursework and their friends and family. This interdisciplinary is the first of four seminars that will explore questions relevant to the Inflection Points themes through the cooperative study of Indigenous Moral Philosophy; Critical Ecology; and Comparative Art and Literature of the region known alternatively as ‘Puget Sound’ and the ‘Salish Sea’ in an homage to Indigenous language groups. Students will address the following questions: How do the humanities prepare us to respond to environmental change in our region and how might Indigenous knowledge help to understand it? How have writers, thinkers, artists, scientists, and historians found meaning, reconciliation, and transformation in the wakes of colonization and genocide?
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous), Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-2012BR: This Land: Environmental Humanities and Hope

    In Clemente and in Bridge, our conversations are often guided by the humanities; history, literature, art, philosophy and spirituality. This approach offers us ways to show both the paths we have travelled in the past and the new roads we hope for in days to come. Climate change, human development and economic instability have created a state of uncertainty, with risks to local communities and to global well-being.Regions and people with the fewest resources are experiencing the most severe economic and health effects, as many struggle to achieve financial stability or to access clean water, soil, and air.In the face of such change, what is your lived experience? What is the role of stories, poems, public art, spiritual doctrines or Native American lore? What can we learn together and from each other, in order to collectively improve those conditions? With that knowledge, we can choose actions. The course will have readings, videos, art, music, workshops, projects, conversations and reflections.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-2012BR: This Land: Environmental Humanities and Hope

  • HUM-2014BR: Inflection Points: Without Borders/Sin Fronteras

    This course will explore the border and the borderlands, both the physical and cultural space of the US/Mexico border as well as the metaphorical borders we experience every day when we transition from our homes to our communities, workplaces, and classrooms, and sometimes, even among our families and friends. By exploring contemporary and traditional art and literature, both fiction and memoir, we will appreciate the cultural resilience emerging from our borderlands and encounter creative ways in which people have responded to colonization as well as the psychological and emotional borders we encounter today.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-2015BR: Inflection Points: No Silence Among Friends (civil Rights)

    What change do you want to see in the world? This class will examine recent events and historical moments to better understand what prompts a person to rise and to be a force for change. How do the humanities prepare us to understand and interpret the upheavals of our own time: wars, racism, colonization, genocide, disease, climate change, and political upheaval? We will study the lives and voices of slaves and racism, suffragettes and feminism, native Americans, and civil rights activists through a variety of texts and images that will enrich our understanding of the challenges and resistances at work in our own time. This class will draw on these moments through primary texts, art, speech, poetry, and music to engage with the present and ultimately speak up for the change we want to see in our community, state, nation, and the world. The course will have readings, videos, art, music, workshops, projects, conversations, and reflections.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-2500: Prior Learning: Humanities

  • HUM-2999: Individualized Study in the Humanities

    Individualized learning in the integrative humanities spanning history, literature, art history, philosophy, and writing, as negotiated, in relation to contemporary veteran issues. Often building on learning from a core course in the Clemente Veteran’s Initiative.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3002: Path With Heart: Searching for,Meaningful Vocation

    This course will explore the true meaning of vocation as a strong inner drive or calling toward a specific kind of action in the world. By examining the nature of this guiding force through first hand accounts, psychological theories, religious texts, and mythology, students will become better attuned to the movements of their own true calling. Further engagement in writing prompts, group exercises, and class discussions will help students gain the confidence required to seek out fulfilling work in the world. Attention to one’s genuine vocation not only contributes to the greater good, but gifts individuals with a deep sense of purpose and meaning to their lives.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3010: Path With Heart: Searching for Meaningful Vocation

    This course will explore the true meaning of vocation as a strong inner drive or calling toward a specific kind of action in the world. By examining the nature of this guiding force through first hand accounts, psychological theories, religious texts, and mythology, students will become better attuned to the movements of their own true calling. Further engagement in writing prompts, group exercises, and class discussions will help students gain the confidence required to seek out fulfilling work in the world. Attention to one’s genuine vocation not only contributes to the greater good, but gifts individuals with a deep sense of purpose and meaning to their lives.
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3010: Path With Heart: Searching for Meaningful Vocation

  • HUM-3011: Ancient Civilization Africa to Asia

    An exploration of the daily lives of people of antiquity, their worldviews and methods of social and political organization, their discoveries, inventions and creations in literature, science, and spiritual practice, and ways in which we can derive inspiration from their cultures and histories.
    Min. Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3013: Far Eastern Civilizations

    This course explores the lives of the people of antiquity in the Far East. We will address their worldviews and methods of social and political organization, their discoveries, inventions, spiritual practices, science, and literary achievements. We will also address the cultural and historical heritages and legacies they left behind.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3015: Modernity & the Search for Meaning

    In the modern world it has become increasingly difficult to make sense of our experiences within a spiritual framework. Ironically, it is also a time when people are seeking answers or guidance to help them navigate the turbulent psychic landscape of our time. This course will explore the current modes of thinking around religion and spirituality from an interdisciplinary approach. By examining the issues and concerns at the heart of contemporary existence, students will gain perspective on what it means to a conscious participant in the world today amidst its beauty and terrors. This course asks the question: How do we, as sentient beings, make or find meaning in our planetary situation?
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3015: Modernity & the Search for Meaning

  • HUM-3022: Greek Civilization

    This course explores the historical and cultural evolution of classical Greece through the epics, dramas, histories and philosophies that both reflected and shaped the minds and events from the Classical world. Students will consider how reason and observation came to challenge Greek mythological thinking and how early Greek philosophy, politics, history, art, and writings reflected and shaped the entire Mediterranean world.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3023: Roman Civilization

    This course explores the historical and cultural evolution of classical Rome through the epics, dramas, histories and philosophies that both reflected and shaped the minds and events from the Classical world. Students will consider how reason and observation came to challenge early Roman mythological thinking and how early Greek philosophy, politics, history, art, and writings shaped early Roman thought. Students will also reflect on the impact that ancient Rome had on Western European thought and culture.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3032: Early Jewish & Christian Heritages

    In addition to learning about the main themes of the sacred scriptures from these religious traditions, students will explore the diverse ways scholars have interpreted the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. They explore how Judaism and Christianity took institutional shape and diversified over time.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3033: Early Islamic Heritage

    In addition to learning about the main themes of the sacred scriptures from this religious tradition, students will explore the diverse ways scholars have interpreted the Quran. They will also explore how Muslim traditions took institutional shape and diversified over time, and they will also explore the Islamic world and examine its contributions to European civilization during the early Renaissance, and assess contemporary tensions and affinities between the Muslim peoples and the West.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3034: Early Jewish Heritage and Its Impact on Contemporary Society

    The Abrahamic traditions - encompassing Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - claim adherents across the globe. Far more than a personal approach to piety and morality, the worldviews of these religions influence law, politics, art, architecture, spirituality, morality, and more. For over half the Earth’s population, they shape understandings of such essential human constructs as community, individuality, and right relationship to one another. This course examines the origins and early development of the Judaic tradition and its continuing impact upon society in contemporary times.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3036: Early Islamic Heritage and Its Impact on Contemporary Society

    The Abrahamic traditions - encompassing Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - claim adherents across the globe. Far more than a personal approach to piety and morality, the worldviews of these religions influence law, politics, art, architecture, spirituality, morality, and more. For over half the Earth’s population, they shape understandings of such essential human constructs as community, individuality, and right relationship to one another. This course examines the origins and early development of the Islamic tradition and its continuing impact upon society in contemporary times.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3040: Birds in the Field & Human Imagination

    The purpose of this course is to engage a tradition that spans millennia and every culture: a human fascination with birds. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, we will explore birds through many lens and avenues. As naturalists, we will seek out birds in the wild, experimenting with different approaches to observation. We will consider common themes in the life circumstances of birds, as well as explore the impact of human civilization on the ecology of natural habitats. Further, we will explore birds as symbols of the human imagination as expressed
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3042: Medieval and Renaissance Europe

    In this course, we will study important works of literature, art and philosophy of Europe from the Medieval and Renaissance periods in Europe. Themes from the course include the rise of chivalry, the Crusades, the formation of trading cities, and the emergence of new merchant class. Additional themes include the Inquisition, religious wars, tension between faith and reason, the birth of the empirical sciences, and the initial encounters with the new world.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3050: Transforming Literature Into Film: Women Novelists and the Male Cinematic Gaze

    In the modern world it has become increasingly difficult to make sense of our experiences within a spiritual framework. Ironically, it is also a time when people are seeking answers or guidance to help them navigate the turbulent psychic landscape of our time. This course will explore the current modes of thinking around religion and spirituality from an interdisciplinary approach. By examining the issues and concerns at the heart of contemporary existence, students will gain perspective on what it means to a conscious participant in the world today amidst its beauty and terrors. This course asks the question: How do we, as sentient beings, make or find meaning in our planetary situation?
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3050: Transforming Literature Into Film: Women Novelists and the Male Cinematic Gaze

  • HUM-3052: Colonialism

    Students explore the impact of colonial contacts between Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia, the rise of revolutionary modes of thinking which challenged all forms of inherited dogma, oppression and forms of exploitation by reading and discussing major classics of literature, philosophy and history.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3053: Postcolonialism

    In this course, we will examine the rise ofdivergent modes of thought and expression throughthe lens of the classics of literature,philosophy and history in various cultures fromaround the world. We will also explore the mannerin which global capitalism has become a forcethat has shaped personal modes of expression andself-definition throughout the globe in the pastcentury.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3062: Indigenous Civ in Latin Amer & Caribbean

    This course addresses the histories, cultures, and heritages of the great civilizations from the center of Mexico, throughout the southern part of the Americas. Particular emphasis will be placed on the daily rituals, diets, worship practices, scientific achievements, ways of life, and worldviews of the Aztec, Incan and Mayan cultures.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3063: Indigenous Civilizations of N America

    This course addresses the histories, cultures, and heritages of the great civilizations from present day United States and Canada Americas. Particular emphasis will be placed on the daily rituals, diets, worship practices, scientific achievements, ways of life, and worldviews of the indigenous peoples of the Desert Southwest, the Great Plains, the Eastern Woodlands, the Great Lakes, and the Pacific Northwest.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3160: Human Rights and Children

    This upper-division course uses a case study approach to address the issue of human rights and children. The rights of children are examined from a national and international perspective as well as from the point of view of political philosophy. The national perspective uses Supreme Court cases that have examined and established children’s rights such as limiting or forbidding child labor, protection of the dependent and incompetent, constraints on parental authority, children’s’ rights to access to education and medical services.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3240B: Shakespeare Deconstructed: Gender and Power Play

    This course will introduce students to six plays of William Shakespeare, exploring issues of gender and power.and their relationship to the psychology of identity construction. Stringent gender roles in Elizabethan time will be challenged and satirized through the comedies Twelfth Night and Taming of the Shrew. A house divided will exact its consequences upon the classic young lovers Romeo & Juliet. Madness seeks its revenge in Hamlet. And the gaining and loss of power will loom large in the tragedies MacBeth and King Lear. Students will analyze Elizabethan issues of gender and power through these five plays along with secondary source material and relate them to contemporary experiences of identity construction. An interactive class format will be utilized, including scene study, film presentation and analysis, guest artist participation, and engaged critical inquiry. introduce students to six plays of William Shakespeare, exploring issues of gender and power.and their relationship to the psychology of identity construction. Stringent gender roles in Elizabethan time will be challenged and satirized through the comedies Twelfth Night and Taming of the Shrew. A house divided will exact its consequences upon the classic young lovers Romeo & Juliet. Madness seeks its revenge in Hamlet. And the gaining and loss of power will loom large in the tragedies MacBeth and King Lear. Students will analyze Elizabethan issues of gender and power through these five plays along with secondary source material and relate them to contemporary experiences of identity construction. An interactive class format will be utilized, including scene study, film presentation and analysis, guest artist participation, and engaged critical inquiry.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3270: Constructions of Masculinity in America

    How is masculinity constructed? This course will explore the intersectionality of aspects of American culture – particularly, race, ethnicity, religion, immigration, sexual orientation/identity, and socio-economic status – and how they contribute to the inextricably linked definitions, practices and discourses of masculinity in America. Explorations of these themes of American culture will make visible how current views and practices of masculinity have been fortified in myriad aspects of our lives. As each class session will be dedicated to illuminating a particular theme in American culture, students will learn that particular theme’s (1) influences on the constructions of masculinity, (2) effects on the development of masculinity discourses within various populations, and (3) potential to imagine more inclusive, accessible, and sustainable versions of masculinity in America than are currently and practiced. An interactive class format will be utilized, including critique of all assigned readings, film and video screenings, large and small group discussion, self-reflective written assignments, and oral/visual final presentations.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3280: Capturing Stories: COVID-19

    Capturing Stories invites students to collect personal stories of the pandemic from their own lives and in the communities where they live. Inspired by the COVID-19 Oral History Project and A Journal of the Plague Year, this new course allows students the freedom to observe, reflect and participate in gathering data in real time about how the virus has impacted lives. This includes topics such as health, habits, jobs, families, well-being, dreams, politics, visions of the future, and much more. Students conduct at least one oral history interview which will become part of a larger archive online, in partnership with other universities. We can share pictures, memes and videos of what people are experiencing right now: empty streets, working from home, chalk-drawn messages of encouragement. Students will also engage their creativity in artwork, theater, music or a dance using available media such as photography, video, audio recording, etc. While students collaborate on group projects, their curiosity determines the subject matter. Together, we will document how CoVid19 is influencing lives, from the mundane to the extraordinary - or not at all. Along the way, we’ll practice active listening, research skills, hands-on media production, and have fun.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3290: Prophetic Voices, Future Visions

    This course will explore dimensions of the prophetic imagination across time and cultures in search for clues or messages for our current era and the future. What has the wisdom of the past predicted? What can we learn from these voices? As a class, we will explore literature, poetry, historical accounts, philosophy, depth psychology, and sacred texts from a wide array of sources including: indigenous spiritualities from around the globe, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, the Abrahamic traditions, science fiction, technological forecasts, and several compelling modern accounts. At the end of the course, students will engage their prophetic imagination by writing a prophecy or vision of the future uniquely their own. This class encourages students to consider the larger scope of psychological history while accessing a fascinating spiritual landscape encoded with vital knowledge regarding humanity’s way forward. This is a “W” (writing emphasis) class in which students will develop tools to improve their academic writing.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3310: Symbols, Patterns, and the Cosmic Whole

  • HUM-3370: Harlem Renaissance in the Jazz Age: 1920-1938

    This course critically examines the Harlem Renaissance as a by-product of the first Great Migration of African Americans from the south to the north at the turn of the century. The Harlem Renaissance, like the Great Migration, came to symbolize a people reborn as they moved from plantation to urban settings. This course focuses on artists, social activists, intellectuals and political operatives of the Harlem Renaissance that include such luminaries as W.E.B. DuBois, Zora Neal Hurston, Duke Ellington, Marcus Garvey, Langston Hughes, Billie Holiday, and Alain Locke. This course introduces students to the history of the United States from the age of exploration to the end of the Civil War. The course explores several questions: What is American history? From whose vantage point is it typically told? What does it mean to write a people’s history? Can history be radical? Although much of history consists of names, dates, places, and people we were once told to memorize by our elementary- and high-school teachers, this course focuses instead on how we make sense of that past and why history is written in the way that is. Among the major themes this course addresses is the question of America and American as identities, places, ideologies and social positions. Though we use these terms often what exactly do we mean by them? What does it mean, for example, to call oneself an American? How does that concept change according to positions of class, race, gender, or sexuality? Can someone from Bolivia call herself an American? Does it mean the same thing to North Americans? If someone tells you while you are travelling abroad that he or she appreciates American culture, is he or she referring to a Jackson Pollack painting, Yosemite National Park, Donald Trump, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, or a hamburger? In this course we will grapple with some of these issues. We will draw upon our own personal experiences to each come up with our own unique definition of American culture. For some this may be as simple as identifying with the neighborhood one grew up in. For others, however, the idea of being American or of American culture may not be bounded by space or time.
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3370: Harlem Renaissance in the Jazz Age: 1920-1938

  • HUM-3380: Picasso: Life and Work

    This course studies Picasso as an original artist and Picasso, the person, in relation to his constructivism. Contributions to Cubism are emphasized. In addition, the work of other artists are compared and contrasted such as Rodin, Matisse, Rembrandt, and Michelangelo.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3450: Foundations of Civilization

    This course focuses on understanding differences between cultures and civilizations, including how both evolve from specific environmental conditions, and are shaped to address local challenges. This course examines the religious, economic, and political systems in such foundational zones as ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, India and China, and Greece and Rome.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3480: Gay & Lesbian History Through Documentary Film

    This course explores the past 100 years of gay and lesbian history, powerfully evoked through numerous award-winning documentary films and one classic historical text. Each class includes the screening of a full-length film, followed by deconstructive conversations exploring the cultural, political, and psychological impact on gay and lesbian individual and community identity in America. This interdisciplinary on-line humanities course explores the diverse array of American utopian communities that emerged during the 19th century. Exemplary communities include: the Shakers, the Harmony Society, the Zoarists, New Harmony, Yellow Springs communities, Brook Farm, Fruit lands, the Amana Society, the Oneida community, the Icarians, and Modern Times. These communities are placed in their historical, sociological, and economic context, and the variety of impulses that conditioned the rise of utopian communities is examined.
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3480: Gay & Lesbian History Through Documentary Film

  • HUM-3500: Prior Learning: Humanities

  • HUM-3510: Independent Study

    Our sense of cultural identity is in flux and under construction, subject to the play of history and difference. Through documentaries, videos and readings of American Indian myths, stories from the Latin American Boom, and vernacular African- American tales, students uncover layered histories of American destinies and their possible role in defining a more inclusive sense of American culture. Students analyze how stories and counter-stories teach and delight; how gender is constructed through cautionary or celebratory tales and how diverse spiritual and erotic values are encoded. Students locate, in stories, the struggle against inhuman violence motivated by greed and fear. Students explore the American Indian presence in Los Angeles, in a powwow, museum visit and guest interview.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3530: Internship

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • HUM-3600: Justice and Equity

    This course focuses on understanding various topics in applied ethics from Western and non-Western perspectives. We will explore ethics and how to apply ethics to contemporary issues that students will encounter throughout their personal and professional practice. This course will assist students in how to approach discussions of these issues from different perspectives.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies


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