Sep 22, 2024  
University Catalog 2024-2025 
University Catalog 2024-2025

Courses By School

  • LNG-2061CR: Narrative Writing in Somali

    Through writing exercises, students learn to articulate their experience, ideas and knowledge in written Somail. Students write several short short essays, each developing particular aspects of narrative writing in Somali.
    Min. Credits: 5
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Prior Learning
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • LNG-2061CR: Narrative Writing in Somali

  • LNG-2070CR: Conversational Cantonese

    This course focuses on conversation emphasizing pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary. It also provides the knowledge, vocabulary, and linguistic structures necessary for students to use Cantonese immediately for communication, as well as an introduction to Cantonese language and culture.
    Min. Credits: 5
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Prior Learning
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • LNG-2070CR: Conversational Cantonese

  • LNG-2071CR: Narrative Writing in Cantonese

    Through writing exercises, students learn to articulate their experience, ideas and knowledge in written Cantonese. Students write several short short essays, each developing particular aspects of narrative writing in Cantonese.
    Min. Credits: 5
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Prior Learning
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • LNG-2071CR: Narrative Writing in Cantonese

  • LNG-2080CR: Conversational Tigrinya

    This course focuses on conversation emphasizing pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary. It also provides the knowledge, vocabulary, and linguistic structures necessary for students to use Tigrinya immediately for communication, as well as an introduction to Tigrinya language and culture.
    Min. Credits: 5
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Prior Learning
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • LNG-2080CR: Conversational Tigrinya

  • LNG-2081CR: Narrative Writing in Tigrinya

    Through writing exercises, students learn to articulate their experience, ideas, and knowledge in written Tigrinya. Students write several short essays, each developing particular aspects of narrative writing in Tigrinya.
    Min. Credits: 5
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Prior Learning
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • LNG-2081CR: Narrative Writing in Tigrinya

  • LNG-2090CR: American Sign Language

    Focuses on conversational fluency in American Sign Language (ASL), including vocabulary, grammatical structure, and cultural behaviors and practices distinct to those who approach the world from a visual perspective. Emphasis on ability to use ASL in dialog with others, to articulate professional knowledge and/or use ASL in an Early Childhood Education classroom environment.
    Min. Credits: 5
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Prior Learning
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • LNG-2090CR: American Sign Language

  • LNG-2100CR: Special Topics in Language Learning

    This learning activity focuses on individualized skill in written and/or oral communication in a language other than English.
    Min. Credits: 5
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Prior Learning
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • LNG-2100CR: Special Topics in Language Learning

  • LOS-4100: Narrating Change: Stories for Collective Action

    Students explore ways stories can be used to guide organizational and community change, and draw from ethnography’s focus on narrative and traditions of participatory and action-oriented research. In a dynamic interplay of theory and practice, students alternately study underlying principles of story-based change while they engage in an application project that utilizes stories from their own organization or community in cycles of reflection and action. LOS; SOJ
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • LOS-4800: Special Topics in Leadership & Org Study

    Includes course offerings of special interest within or across areas of concentration.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 8.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAP-RES1: MAP Residency 1

  • MAT-SKILL: Math Skill Requirement

  • MAT-1030CR: Business Math

    This course focuses on basic mathematical concepts common to early childhood business usage, such as using fractions and percentages, working with the time value of money and reconciling fees, expenses and reimbursements.
    Min. Credits: 5
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Prior Learning
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-1030CR: Business Math

  • MAT-1510: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-2000CR: Ethno-Mathematics

    Grounded in decolonizing and social justice approaches to education, students will study the relationship between culture and mathematics. They will engage in an investigation of the use and development of quantitative reasoning within various cultural contexts arising in response to problems, struggles, and endeavors of human survival, resistance, and development. A broad view of mathematics will be covered, including ciphering, arithmetic, classifying, ordering, inferring, patterning, and modeling. This course is grounded in cultural arts and identity. Students will identify cultural expression, mathematical concepts, and quantitative reasoning in their own cultural or ethnic groups. The course includes analyzing ethnomathematics case studies to further the students’ understanding of how mathematics continues to be culturally adapted and used by people around the planet and throughout time.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-2000CR: Ethno-Mathematics

  • MAT-2500: Prior Learning: Mathematics

  • MAT-2510: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-3060: Math and Social Change

    This course combines lectures and demonstrations, classroom projects, and experimental learning. It examines contemporary global issues and utilizes mathematical concepts, tools and formulae in possible solutions for matters of injustice. We will analyze major social issues, such as but not limited to women’s rights, civil rights, immigration, ecology and LGBTQ equality, where numbers play a large role. Students rely upon their current mathematical skills, but also learn how to extend them into complex quantitative and social applications. Each reading assignment has been selected to demonstrate the social issues and to identify and practice the mathematics contained in each selection. Students will be asked to lead a discussion with the class of the assigned reading selection, analyze it for the math contained therein.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-3210: Math in the Real World

    Through a three-pronged approach, students develop an analytical and inquisitive point of view as it relates to the mathematics they encounter in their daily lives. Students are challenged in their critical thinking and verbal reasoning through class discussions, with self-directed projects and by developing a much stronger and innate understanding of foundational math skills. By working in-depth in the student’s area of interest, students will follow a natural development of understanding of math concepts and how they relate to their personal interest topics.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-3220: Mathematics in Applied Contexts

    Math is everywhere and yet many people think that they can avoid it in their everyday lives if they don’t want to directly study it. This course tells a different story by familiarizing students with the mathematics embedded in the media they see every day with the goal of helping them become more capable and critical readers of this information. We will investigate how math impacts many aspects of journalism, evaluate the arguments of those who critique the way math is represented in lay literature, and explore the media directly to find examples of appropriate and inappropriate mathematical arguments. During this course we will read from a broad range of sources, looking at arguments from scholarly articles, blog posts, and various online articles that speak to the issues we are studying. Within the ten weeks of this course, students will develop important critical thinking skills that expand their capacity for evaluating mathematical concepts in applied contexts.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-3300: Business Finance

    Whether you are a business executive, entrepreneur, or would-be investor, understanding and assessing the fiscal health of a business is paramount to making sound financial decisions. In this course, we examine key aspects of financial management from micro-level health assessment of a business, to macro-level decision-making in financial markets. Students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge for understanding, forecasting and managing financial issues within an organization. Course topics include operating and capital budgets, financial reports, financial analysis, and fiscal controls.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous),Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-3500: Prior Learning: Mathematics

  • MAT-3510: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-3530: Internship

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-3810: Mathematical Thinking: Personal Financial Management

    This course addresses such issues as budgeting, planning for retirement, long term health care, investments, stocks, mortgages, and other areas applicable to understanding the finance of everyday life.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-3941: Special Topics in Math

    Offers students a concentrated examination of a special topic that reflects current issues related to the discipline. May be repeated for credit with topic change.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-4020: Research Design and Methodology

    The course introduces students to experimental and non-experimental designs used in psychological research. Class time is divided between discussion of the reading material and laboratory work. Students discuss commonly used designs, the elements of these designs, and the benefits of each type of design. Students get hands-on experience with several studies, serving as subjects in these studies, analyzing the data, and writing reports on the research using an APA-style format. Students are involved in designing their own studies, gathering data, analyzing the data, and presenting this information both in oral and written form.
    Min. Credits: 4.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-4030: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

    This course concentrates on the application of statistical methods to research problems. Statistical methods such as correlation analysis, t-tests, and analysis of variance are applied to research designs. In addition, students learn how to utilize computer programs to solve statistical problems.
    Min. Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MAT-4510: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3010: Global Cinema

    Provides a window into diverse and emergent forms of storytelling from around the world with a distinct focus on films made by filmmakers from Africa, Latin America and Asia. A mix of shorts, documentary and narrative features, the course examines the distinctive aesthetics, cultural contexts and authorship in recently released films in the film festival circuit. Recognizing films as cultural artifacts and filmmaking as practice, students develop their abilities to distinguish between watching a film, reading a film and understanding it from multiple perspectives given time, place, power dynamics and more. As they interrogate their own reactions, they surface preconceptions about other-ness, self-identities and their call out some of their own blinders. They develop their abilities to get outside themselves to recognize alternative points of view. Students read film theory, watch and analyze films weekly, and undertake a final project.
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3014: Documentary Film

    Documentary filmmaking is a living tradition. Historically, documentary filmmakers have influenced global policy agendas, framed political debates, witnessed events, and constructed views of reality for audiences that inspire action. The course focuses on documentary filmmaking in history and as practice. Students analyze contemporary and historical films from technical, economic, aesthetic, political and cultural perspectives, and develop their own creative visual storytelling talents through hands-on assignments, short essays, reflective writing, and finally, the production of a short film.
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3020: Fake News, Journalism & Politics

    There have been and continue to be many instances of the power of “fake news” to influence citizens and to corrupt democratic processes. This research-oriented course explores the current media environment, the roles of journalists, citizens, PR representatives and political leaders in shaping current debates. Assignments invite students to analyze recent and unfolding stories, and to grapple with the role of journalism as a medium for status-quo maintenance, and/or for facilitating significant political, economic or social change.
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3024: Media for Social Change

    Media for Social Change combines practice with theory on how citizens can create media to impact public discourse. By analyzing case studies of effective, local social justice campaigns, we’ll examine the power of non-elite media practitioners to define issues using images, metaphors, data and story. During election cycles the course will follow any unfolding political campaigns by tracking how the candidates, the issues and the citizenry are depicted in mainstream and alternative media. Finally, we will step up and create our own media for social change projects, based on relevant and timely issues and the latest research in political communication studies.
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3205: Screenwriting for TV and Film

    This course explores the art and craft of screenwriting through a workshop format. We will read and analyze several master screenplays from film, analyzing the major craft elements of plot and characterization via Dialogue, Action, and Scenes. In addition to reading and analyzing screenplays from professional writers, students will construct their own acts (using prompts or adapting from a famous short story) practicing screenplay formatting and critiquing their drafts through a peer review/workshop process. This will also include a detailed critique of the original work by the professor.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3230: The Social Impact of Social Media

    The emergence and diffusion of technology has provided us with two different realms to reside in: the real world and the social media world. Social media has drastically changed how we communicate with each other, from societal to individual levels. The question we will examine in this course is how does social media shape our lives and more importantly, how do we want it to shape our lives? This course examines different theoretical and practical approaches in understanding the effects of social media in our media saturated world. We will discuss how social media affects perceptions, relationships, education, business, global, and our identity.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3250: World Media

    The right to communicate was enshrined in the United Nations Charter on Human Rights more than 60 years ago. This was long before much of the media that we now take for granted was even imagined in this country, let alone much of the rest of the world. This course will examine what the right to communicate means within a social justice framework and how it plays out in various parts of the world and for various communities of interest. We will examine a variety of media and the ways that they are or can be used for good and ill; how the producers impact content delivery; what best practices are; and how to remedy poor practices.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3320: Digital Content Creation

    The design and production of Antioch’s online magazine - Odyssey Online - provides the unique opportunity to publish a magazine with rich media and interactivity. Using new modesl of content development and distribution to help ordinary people tell their own true stories in a compelling and emotionally engaging form, the magazine will create strategies for reader engatement and focus on publishing multimedia stories of interest to the Antioch community: activities & events; alumni stories; social justice issues; student & faculty profiles. Cross-platform distribution to a number of mobile, tablet and desktop devices combined with search optimization will provide increased audience reach; sophisticated analytics will be able to measure readership and engagement. Course is repeatable up to three times.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Simulteaching, Classroom, Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3360: Photojournalism

    Photojournalism is about storytelling and communicating with pictures. It involves the task of using a camera to convey ideas, thoughts, and art. Students will conceptualize ideas (themes), focus intensely on story structure (storytelling) and master the tools needed to produce engaging, compelling, high quality visual stories, aided by the written and spoken word. Students will create multiple projects, including two that focus on unseen or ignored realities in the local community with an emphasis on AUSB’s core purposes, including human rights and social justice. Students’ projects will be displayed in class, at a public showing in the tenth week, and regularly on the AUSB Odyssey Online digital magazine and possibly on other local online sources.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3440: Critical Analysis of Digital Media

    We live in a world of unprecedented communication capabilities: a phone is a global podium, one single tweet can trigger masses, and artificial intelligence is widely used to curate ideas that mirror our individual beliefs right back to us. How did these happen? What is our role as media audience and citizens in this landscape of enticements? Can we spot bias at all, and if so, how is it ultimately constructed? What can be learned from it? The course offers students theoretical and methodological tools to discern the interactive media practices and communication technologies characteristic of late capitalism, and to curb their relentless, sophisticated attempts to make choices for us. To address these, we will examine relevant frameworks drawn from the interdisciplinary, postcolonial field of Cultural Studies, particularly its take on Sociology of Media, Critical Journalism, Propaganda Studies, and Semiotics (analysis of meaning-making processes). Through class discussion, readings and immersive tasks, we will look critically at the distinctive systems embedded in the production, distribution and consumption of contemporary media experiences. Based on these, we will generate a collaborative toolbox of practical strategies to gain agency over the insidious impact that digitally networked media have on our lives.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous),Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3941: Films on Social Justice Topics

    Every quarter, a variety of one-unit seminars are offered on contemporary topics. See Schedule of Classes for current offerings. May be repeated up to six times.
    Min. Credits: 1
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MED-3990APS: Media, Influence & Society

    This professional, hybrid-format seminar is open to both APS and BA Liberal Arts and provides an opportunity for students to connect their technical, professional and personal knowledge to current issues related to Media Influence and Society. Together we will analyze the origins, purposes, and impact of the media from an interdisciplinary, postcolonial perspective, informed by radical scholars and practitioners. Some of the issues we will reflect upon during thecourse include: the evolution of communications media and their influence on culture, politics,economy, and new professional markets in the 21st Century. We’ll also attempt to discuss current media trends, dilemmas and speculate about their future directions and impact on society. Because this is an Applied Studies Seminar, students will be asked to reflect upon what they’re learning and apply it directly to their professional, personal, or political interests, depending on their current program of study..
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Simulteaching, Classroom, Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3110: Military Career to Community Transition

    This course introduces Catalyst Program Candidate students to Antioch University Online, preparing them to make the most of their time at this unique educational institution. Candidates will develop a good sense of Antioch as a learning community, while learning about the university’s history, the philosophies of education that inform their learning, and the culture of the Antioch Online classroom. Candidates will explore the transition from military life to private enterprise. Candidates prepare to explore methods of initiating a business to include organization, collaborative contacts and initial formation. Candidates will develop an understanding of the dynamics of business and procedures for effective communication across organizations. Focus is on critical thinking and problem-solving techniques to encourage positive interactions and success in business. This course is a prerequisite to continued enrollment at Antioch University Online. All Catalyst Candidates must complete this course successfully during their cohort course.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3200: Business Finance

    Whether you are a business executive, entrepreneur, or would-be investor, understanding and assessing the fiscal health of a business is paramount to making sound financial decisions. In this course, we examine key aspects of financial management from micro-level health assessment of a business, to macro-level decision-making in financial markets. Students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge for understanding, forecasting and managing financial issues within an organization. Course topics include operating and capital budgets, financial reports, financial analysis, and fiscal controls.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3230: Managing in a Global Environment

    The global workplace is ubiquitous. In today’s business community, we find dispersed companies interfacing with contractors, subcontractors and strategic partners in every part of the globe. Each alliance brings with it cultural differences that impact communication, decision making, project management, leadership style, conflict management techniques, and relationship-building. This class explores cultural differences in the global environment from the perspectives of power, risk-taking and individual perception. Students learn how trust, an essential component to successful business ventures, is exhibited in select cultures, and experience how genuine overtures of trust can be misunderstood due to cultural perceptions.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3240: Social Change and the Nonprofit Sector

    Those possessed with a passion to make the world a better place will often envision starting a movement or strengthening or reviving one that already exists. The instrumentality of social change, however, is not only the story of passionate individuals working in association. Throughout American history, nonprofit organizations have played an important role in creating change too, sometimes supporting social movements and at other times solidifying the gains made by them. From the Abolitionist Movement that spawned anti-slavery societies in the nineteenth century to the LGBT organizations that produced recent changes in marriage laws, the synergy between social change movements and nonprofit organizations has been a constant of American history. This course examines these historical dynamics in the interest of equipping present and future leaders of movements and institutions with the knowledge of the forces that can support, grow, or, sadly, diminish their efforts.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3241: Special Topics in Business

    This course provides instruction in various business management and administration topics. Topics of current interest in business and issues related to management and creation of sustainable business will be covered. Students will understand the characteristics, business strategies and environment unique to an industry. The topic for each quarter will be provided in the Schedule of Classes. The course may be repeated up to four times based on unique topics.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3250: Non-Profit Management

    There are now well over 1 million nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in the United States, employing over 10 million people, calling upon even more volunteers, and performing functions ranging from promoting art to protecting zebras. This course presents a model of the essential anatomy of successful NPOs. Then, building upon this theoretical framework, three key planning processes are explored which are commonly used by nonprofit executives and board members in leading their organizations effectively. These include board development planning, resource development planning, and overall strategic planning. The course utilizes various methods of instruction, including class discussion, internet research, lectures, reading, student presentations, and writing.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3500: Prior Learning: Management

  • MGT-3550: Leadership

    The course explores the concept of Leadership as science, as art, and as service. In the process of studying cases of successful and failed leadership the course requires students to reflect on how to make their lives meaningful and productive through the cultivation and exercise of leadership skills. They learn how to employ creative means to achieve constructive ends and how, in the process, to serve with integrity as they draw upon the capacities of diverse human resources and deploy the skills of community building.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3560: Triple Bottom Line Accounting & Managemt

    Contemporary business has evolved from concern over just the financial bottom line to a higher level of social responsibility where we account for the true social impact of our business activity. This course explores specific business accounting practices based on economic, environmental and social criteria: people, planet and profit. SBUS; LOS
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3621: Management in the Multicultural Workplace

    In today’s globalized economy, effectively managing diverse teams and navigating multicultural dynamics is not just important but essential for organizational success. This course provides students with the essential tools and insights necessary to excel in multicultural settings. The course challenges conventional assumptions, stereotypes, and management practices, fostering critical thinking and a nuanced understanding of cultural diversity. Students will engage with case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises to explore how heightened awareness and appreciation of human differences can significantly enhance individual and organizational effectiveness. By the conclusion of the course, students will be well-prepared to contribute effectively to diverse teams and lead inclusively in our increasingly interconnected world.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3631: Global Strategic Management and Leadership

    In today’s world, leaders of organizations, large or small, are challenged with increasing turbulence and disruption in the marketplace. Therefore, having the aspiration to succeed through local management is not enough. Business students need to equip themselves with the skills to act strategically on a global level to strive and thrive through mega-trend transformations. This course will teach students to learn and apply the analytical tools in their critical decision-making process to attain long-term individual and organizational success.
    Min. Credits: 3 Max Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3640: Lean Entrepreneurship

    This course provides real world, hands-on learning as to the reality of starting a business with limited resources. This class is not about writing a business plan or researching markets, and it is not a theory or “book” class. The course is designed to offer students a guided step into entrepreneurship with all of the pressures and demands of an early-stage startup where limited resources are a constant restriction. Students will be interviewing customers, partners, and competitors as they encounter the chaos and uncertainty of the inner workings of a new business. Students will work in teams, learning how to turn a great idea into a better company. Throughout the quarter, students will work with a group of peers to design and test a business model for a venture of their own choosing. They will also utilize an effective business model that incorporates every level of a developing company and undergo market validation and customer development to test actual interest in the developed product. While all types of ventures are theoretically ‘in-bounds’ here, students’ pursuits should have high growth potential and the ability to distinguish their product from existing products and companies, through innovation of the product, service, production process, or even capturing a new market altogether.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous),Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3650: Responsible Management and Global Sustainability

    Sustainability, responsibility, and ethics are the fundamental pillars of solid management practices in today’s business world. Responsible management encompasses techniques and theories that surpass bottom-line profit-making, baseline ethics, and fostering compliance in order to create more positive outcomes for society and the environment. The decisive goal of this course is to promote student comprehension and identification of what responsible management is and how a responsible firm can be developed through informed managerial actions. This requires that students learn to recognize stakeholders and the importance of their needs; comprehend methods of balancing competing needs; develop critical decision-making processes, and polish professional communication skills. For students to accomplish all these, the course will introduce concepts, reinforce understanding, and require analysis and application of knowledge and skills to a variety of situations presented in varying formats.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous),Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3660: Management in the Multicultural Workplace

    This course provides students with the tools needed for effective functioning in a multicultural setting. The course illustrates how an awareness and appreciation of human difference can enhance both individual and organizational effectiveness and
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3680: Accounting and Budgeting

    This course introduces the students to fundamental principles underlying the accounting function as it relates to the management of organizations. Students develop an accounting model, starting with simple concepts, and build toward a system overview by taking a practical approach to the subject. This course also examines the basic concepts and issues underlying budget planning as well as the relationships of budgeting, planning, accounting, and information systems to organizational goals, program objectives, and performance measures.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3681: Management: Best Practices

    This course will focus on best practices management with a primary emphasis on what constitutes best practices in leadership and management in today’s complex world. This course will focus on the importance of the leader as teacher within the organization and community. Students will explore how leaders emerge, and learn to understand the importance of visionary leadership within a framework of social responsibility. The course will delve into the aspects of servant leadership that emphasizes collaboration, trust, empathy, and the ethical use of power. Leading in a diverse world, leading in a time of crises and complexity, and how today’s leaders and managers handle change today and into the future will also be examined.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3730: Technology & Business

    This course will cover some of the more salient issues facing the world today. We will look at issues such as privacy, terrorism, government, biotechnology, cloning and entertainment; and how they relate to the business world.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3741: Organizational Strategy & Culture

    This course explores the improvement of organizations through planned, systematic, long- range efforts focused on the organization?s culture and its human and social processes. This exploration uses behavioral science techniques to diagnose current and potential organizational problems. The course then applies theory, practice and research to determine appropriate interventions to address the problem. Long-range strategies for prevention of future organizational problems are also discussed. The course will emphasize case studies and the use of role-playing by students to develop insights into the best use of interventions.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3750: Business Ethics & Social Responsibility

    This course explores the wide-ranging impact of management decisions, policy making, and strategy on communities and society. Internal and external political and social environments, ethical dilemmas faced by managers and executives, and the impact of whistle blowers are also covered. Students will initially analyze these issues within the context of ethical philosophy, later exploring the conditions and norms, which motivate institutional behavior, working relationships, and moral choice. Satisfies Ethics requirement.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3830: Project Management and Cost/Scheduling

    This course will cover the nine knowledge areas in the area of Project Management; Project Integration Management, Scope Management, Time Management, Cost Management, Quality Management, Human Resource Management, Communications Management, Risk Management and Procurement Management. Students will learn how to initiate, plan, control, execute and close a project. This course will cover three aspects of project management in detail: cost management, time management and scope management. Students will learn how to define the needs and requirements of a project, develop and implement a comprehensive project schedule, and estimate project costs. Managing changes to these three areas during the course of the project will also be covered.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3850: Quality Management

    This course is an in-depth study of the theories and methods used to achieve quality in various types of organizations. Through exercises and case analysis, students will learn to apply quality control tools to problems and organizations. The focus is on quality across a broad range of industries, and services rather than simply from a manufacturing perspective.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University,Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3900: Human Resource Management

    This course introduces students to a critical examination of theoretical and practical issues of human resource management and strengthens their decision-making skills in personnel cases. It is designed to benefit all students of management.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3910: Risk Management

    This course defines what risk is, how it can be identified, measured and transferred, the qualitative and quantitative methods available to analyze risk, and the significance of risk planning to the management of organizations and projects.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3920: Applied Studies Seminar: Leadership

    This professional, hybrid-format seminar provides students an opportunity to integrate their technical knowledge with leadership practices in their area of expertise. The Professor serves as a facilitator/mentor providing information regarding leadership and organizations, and students share their perspectives and insights as they relate this material to their areas of professional knowledge. The process is designed to integrate academic theory and practical experience as they relate to leadership practices. Specific leadership practices addressed in the seminar include leadership characteristics, the importance of values, developing a shared organizational vision, challenging organizational processes, enabling others, encouraging the heart of people in the organization, and action leadership.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3941: Special Topics in Business & Entrepreneurship

    Every quarter, a variety of one-unit seminars are offered on contemporary topics. See Schedule of Classes for current offerings. May be repeated up to six times.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3960: Independent Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3980: Internship

    The Internship provides students with an opportunity to apply, in an organizational setting, what they are learning and to develop professional contacts within their fields of interest. While students are responsible for locating internships, faculty members are available to provide support and information as needed.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3990: Applied Studies Seminar: Cultural Contexts

    This professional, hybrid-format seminar provides students an opportunity to connect their technical knowledge with concepts related to cultural contexts and apply these ideas to their area of expertise. The Professor serves as a facilitator/mentor providing principles to understand the study of culture from various disciplines and students share their perspectives and insights as they relate this material to their areas of professional knowledge. The process is designed to relate academic theory and practical experience around cultural context issues. Specific topics addressed in the seminar include models of culture, culture and innovation, multi-cultural issues in management, and cross-cultural management.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-3990APS: As Seminar: Cultural Contexts

    This professional, hybrid-format seminar provides students an opportunity to connect their technical knowledge with concepts related to cultural contexts and apply these ideas to their area of expertise. The Professor serves as a facilitator/mentor providing principles to understand the study of culture from various disciplines and students share their perspectives and insights as they relate this material to their areas of professional knowledge. The process is designed to relate academic theory and practical experience around cultural context issues. Specific topics addressed in the seminar include models of culture, culture and innovation, multi-cultural issues in management, and cross-cultural management.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4010: Foundations of Business Practice

    This is one of two courses that expose students to the major areas of business practice. The Foundation courses familiarize students with the language and concepts that are central to core business functions. MGT 501A introduces the topics of accounting, finance, and economics to enable students to comprehend financial analysis and decision-making in organizations. Students gain a basic understanding of budgeting and financial statements, the time value of money, and revenue and cost behavior of firms in competitive markets. This is a hybrid course that includes both classroom and online activities. (Students should enroll in this course at its earliest offering in their program of study).
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4310: Social and Ethical Issues in Management

    In this course, the case study method is employed to examine contemporary organizational problems that concern rights, responsibilities, justice, and liberties. Topics include affirmative action, employee rights, testing in the workplace, AIDS in the workplace, maternity/paternity leave, fraud, bribery, kickbacks, and environmental issues. Landmark U.S. and State Supreme Court decisions are analyzed from the perspectives of dominant ethical theories, such as those of Bentham, Hume, Mill, Kant, and Rawls.
    Min. Credits: 4
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4410: Economics (Micro and Macro)

    This course provides an understanding of methods, theories and concepts of microeconomic analysis and their application to basic management decisions pertaining to production, marketing, finance, and investment. Emphasis is placed on theoretical and practical rationales underlying economic decisions. This course also studies the aggregate economy focusing on the major macroeconomic problems of income, employment and prices. Major theories of macroeconomic instability are presented along with resulting policy options. International economics, international finance and economic growth are also studied.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4600: Social Enterprise

    The purpose of this course is for students to gain in-depth insights into economic and social value creation across a number of sectors and areas including poverty alleviation, energy, health and sustainability. Topics include problem and opportunity assessment, resource requirements to grow a social enterprise, and understanding the tradeoffs between social and financial returns on investment.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4630: Global Strategic Management and Leadership

    In today’s world, leaders of organizations, large or small, are challenged with increasing turbulence and disruption in the marketplace. Therefore, having the aspiration to succeed through local management is not enough. Business students need to equip themselves with the skills to act strategically on a global level to strive and thrive through mega-trend transformations. This course will teach students to learn and apply the analytical tools in their critical decision-making process to attain long-term individual and organizational success. The course will help students acquire basic global strategic management concepts as well as expose them to state-of-the-art strategic management and leadership approaches. One of the key goals is to help students broaden their visions and perspectives to consider business functions with a comprehensive global view. Emphasis is on an integrated approach. The course is perfect for students who are interested in attaining executive or leadership roles in career development.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous), Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4630: Global Strategic Management and Leadership

  • MGT-4639: Global Strategic Management and,Leadership

    In today’s world, leaders of organizations, large or small, are challenged with increasing turbulence and disruption in the marketplace. Therefore, having the aspiration to succeed through local management is not enough. Business students need to equip themselves with the skills to act strategically on a global level to strive and thrive through mega-trend transformations. This course will teach students to learn and apply the analytical tools in their critical decision-making process to attain long-term individual and organizational success. The course will help students acquire basic global strategic management concepts as well as expose them to state-of-the-art strategic management and leadership approaches. One of the key goals is to help students broaden their visions and perspectives to consider business functions with a comprehensive global view. Emphasis is on an integrated approach. The course is perfect for students who are interested in attaining executive or leadership roles in career development.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous),Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4780: Strategic Marketing

    This course examines marketing as the business function that identifies current unfulfilled needs and wants, defines and measures their magnitude, determines what target markets the organization can best serve, and decides on appropriate products, services, and programs to serve these markets.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4820: Intersectional Leadership Coaching

    Includes course offerings of special interest within or across areas of concentration.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4840: Ethical Issues in Management

    This course provides an ethical investigation of the context of American business, including capitalism and the free market system. This includes an inquiry into the ethical nature and role of business organizations within this broad economic context, as well as an examination of particular ethical issues, which arise in the course of this activity.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4850: Strategic Human Resources Management and Leadership

    This course provides an in-depth understanding of the human resources function and related legal issues and their impact on the professional manager. Subject areas include: employee relations, compensation practices, collective bargaining, human resources planning, quality of work life, employment law and affirmative action.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4860: Strategic Human Resources Management and Leadership

    This course provides an in-depth understanding of the human resources function and related legal issues and their impact on the professional manager. Subject areas include: employee relations, compensation practices, collective bargaining, human resources planning, quality of work life, employment law and affirmative action.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-4960: Organizational Behavior

    Organizations are complex social systems with external environments and internal goals. Organization behavior includes the processes of determining how organization resources shall be employed (toward the goals) and under what rules. Decisions may be made through rational or political processes. Through observation, analysis, discussion, and experimentation. This course examines personal and organizational behaviors employed in achieving personal and organizational goals.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • MGT-5000: Principles of Triple Bottom Line in Organizations

    Businesses and non-governmental organizations today are evolving rapidly from a focus solely on their financial bottom line to a higher level of environmental and social responsibility and action – where profitability intersects with the common good to build thriving organizations and communities. This course provides a foundational understanding of the mutual importance of people, planet, and profit in creating and leading successful, sustainable organizations – referred to as the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach. Students will apply their knowledge to analyze and evaluate TBL frameworks, formulate the business case for sustainable approaches to organizational development and growth, and illustrate the benefits and competitive advantages that result from TBL thinking.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • MGT-5005: Principles of Triple Bottom Line and Sustainability

    Businesses and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) are evolving from a focus solely on their financial bottom line to a higher level of environmental and social responsibility and action – where profitability intersects with the common good to build thriving organizations and communities. This course provides a foundational understanding of the mutual importance of people, planet, and profit in creating and leading successful, sustainable organizations - referred to as the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration, Human Services Administration, Non-Profit Management

  • MGT-5005: Principles of Triple Bottom Line and Sustainability

  • MGT-5110: Military Career to Community Transition

    This course introduces Catalyst Program Candidate students to Antioch University Online, preparing them to make the most of their time at this unique educational institution. Candidates prepare to explore methods of initiating a business to include organization, collaborative contacts and initial formation. Candidates will explore the transition from military life to the private sector. Candidates will develop an understanding of the dynamics of business and procedures for effective communication across organizations. Focus is on critical thinking and problem-solving techniques to encourage positive interactions and success in business. Candidates will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different types of organizations in promoting a balance between business opportunity and community responsibility. Candidates will create a possible model for an organization that meets those ends. This course is a prerequisite to continued enrollment at Antioch University Online. All Catalyst Candidates must complete this course successfully during their cohort course.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • MGT-5130: Managerial Financial Analysis Principles

    This course provides insights on accounting concepts related to both financial and managerial accounting. Introduction to the study of accounting dealing with the preparation and analysis of the balance sheet, income statement, and related accounting records will also be covered. An extension of traditional managerial accounting to the emerging measurement systems of sustainability accounting is made with investigations of Sustainability Accounting Standards, the Global Reporting Initiative, and best practices in managing and measuring in a triple bottom line context will also be covered.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • MGT-5140: Global Economies and Sustainability

    This course is designed to investigate present models of international economics and its relationship to corporations, social ventures, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), and nonprofit organizations around the world. It will also evaluate these systems’ impact on sustainable development and economic influence. Students will learn various models of political economy, ecological and behavioral economics, and the role of world trade and international financial organizations.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration

  • MGT-5145: Economics and Global Economies

    This course is designed to investigate present models of international economics and its relationship to corporations, social ventures, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), and nonprofit organizations around the world. It will also evaluate these systems’ impact on sustainable development and economic influence. Students will learn various models of political economy, ecological and behavioral economics, and the role of world trade and international financial organizations.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online Meeting (synchronous), Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration, Human Services Administration, Non-Profit Management

  • MGT-5145: Economics and Global Economies

  • MGT-5150: Strategy, Innovation and Resilience

    Every organization must successfully address opportunity, challenge, and change - or wither. Usually, there is no shortage of ideas and passionate perspectives. How does an organization adapt and evolve, develop forward-looking futures for itself, and decide its best course of action? Strategy, innovation, and resilience constitute the “how,” and are the bedrock of a vibrant, sustainable organization. Students will study current and emerging theories of organizational strategy, innovation, and resilience. Drawing on content from this and previous courses, students will apply, evaluate, and develop approaches to leading effective strategic thinking and execution, and in fostering innovation and resilience - including the integration of environmental, human, and financial sustainability in businesses and NGOs. Readings and resources will lean strongly toward what working practitioners require and find most useful in their work.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch University
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Business Administration


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