Sep 22, 2024  
University Catalog 2024-2025 
University Catalog 2024-2025

Courses By School

  • URB-3130B: Radical Economy: From Inequality to Solidarity

    This class explores possibilities and opportunities for strengthening our communities by building self-reliance, solidarity and a more democratic economy. We begin with looking at our big problems, such as lack of access to healthy food, climate chaos, and the struggle for healthy and safe places to live and work. Many of these issues stem from an inequitable economy, as evidenced by the loss of social safety nets and the lack of opportunity for everyday well-being. In order to tackle these problems thoughtfully and effectively, we will consider an inspiring range of alternative economic tools and ways of thinking; creative and innovative methods such as time banks, worker owned cooperatives, participatory budgeting, social entrepreneurships, and community finance models. The growing movement of worker-owned cooperatives exemplifies the real-world opportunities of the solidarity economy; reflecting values, cultures and communities of cooperation, building relationships of mutual support, tackling shared responsibility and democratic decision-making. These opportunities serve to strengthen the diversity of local cultures and environment, as well as epitomize a commitment to valuing and celebrating our shared humanity. We explore the principles of solidarity and “just transition” in class, by learning from individuals and groups who are thriving examples of organizing new and creative forms of conceiving public space, cultivating and consuming food, promoting self-sufficiency, developing equitable economic models, and fostering healthy, just communities. We’ll examine and imagine our own place in the movement. Many local, regional, national and international initiatives are actively working to answer the call for a just new economy and sustainable future. In this course we will examine the current state of economic justice, assess and deconstruct the problems and root causes in financial systems, distinguish between the multiple perspectives of economic opportunity, investigate and analyze potential solutions, and create new pathways. Our course activities will include group discussion, reading reflections, access to new media, project construction, conversations with guest speakers, and writing support.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle,Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • URB-3500: Prior Learning: Urban Studies

  • URB-3510: Independent Study Urban Studies

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • URB-3530: Urban Studies Internship

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • URB-3900: Cultural Analysis of the Built Environment

    In this multimedia workshop we will survey the bewildering scope of Los Angeles architectures in search for connections between power dynamics, regional history, and aesthetics. Students will learn to analyze the local built environment with a cultural studies lens, through the combined use of pre-class reading assignments and in-class exposure to photographs, documentary footage, on-line resources, texts, lecture, and discussion.
    Min. Credits: 1
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Workshop
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • URB-4530: Urban Studies Internship

    Individualized field-based learning activity that takes place in an applied professional context locally, nationally or globally. Syllabus contains specific learning outcomes, demonstration of learning, and grounds for evaluation
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • URB-4900: The City in Art

    The city as both context and experience became a recurrent artistic subject around the late eighteenth century. Most paintings, sculptures, musical compositions, and literary works of those days not only made reference to the pulse of the incipient metropolis and its contradictions, but also gave way to city-inspired genres, and witnessed later on the birth of photography and film. Today, whereas the city remains an important subject of art, our urban experiences occur within a new globalized/localized high-tech spatial order. The city itself can often be the very medium some artists use to produce, disseminate and engage with their audiences as co-creators, either face to face or virtually. By examining some of the key artistic responses to the urban realm in the last two hundred years, this workshop will teach students a range of analytic strategies drawn from cultural geography and the sociology of art. Together we will investigate how and why artists and cities have been historically connected, how to look for resonances of the urban experience within works of art and artistic practices, who gets included and excluded from the discourse, and how can we track the shifting role of artists and art audiences in urban settings.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • URS-5000: Graduate Synthesis Seminar

    As you begin your learning journey in the Urban Sustainability, Masters of Arts program you will quickly realize that there is a lot going on, a lot to take in and a lot to think and feel about. During this Seminar, you will have an opportunity to reflect, process and synthesize your early experiences in the program in a community of practice with your cohort and with the guidance of a faculty member. This seminar is an opportunity to integrate experiences across the courses, residency, workshops and the world while simultaneously building relationships. The seminar is also a support system to help orient you to the thrills of graduate school and the plethora of resources available to support your learning journey.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5040: Sustainable Just Economies

    This course focuses on the field of sustainable urban economy through theoretical and practical investigations into environmental solutions in economics, green business, and community engagement. Topics will include analysis of the scholarly literature and discussions of the interrelationship between international and local economies. Students will analyze sustainable economic ideologies and practices, a broad range of community perspectives, civic requirements, as well as geographic, built environment, capital and natural resource concerns. Students will examine and critique sustainable economic practices, programs and policies in the public, private and non-profit sectors.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5060: Social Justice Frameworks

    Inequity and injustice of all kinds are inherently implicated in every question of sustainability - whether it is resilient urban design, addressing how we meet our energy needs, how we will feed the world in the face of climate disruption or how we address health and well-being. Diverse social movements have long led the way in working to address the political, cultural and economic patterns that drive social inequity and ecological erosion through their theory and practice. This course will provide USMA first semester students with a foundation in Social Justice Frameworks relevant to issues of sustainability for practitioners across many fields. We will explore theoretical frameworks, as well as pragmatic approaches by many different social movements, with a particular emphasis on Just Transition, Decolonization, Climate and Environmental Justice, Intersectionality, and the application of these and other frameworks by social movements across issues. This class will privilege the intellectual and grassroots leadership of Black, Indigenous, People of Color, working-class, poor, women, queer and other marginalized perspectives.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5070: Science & Systems Thinking

    The catastrophic collapse of biological and cultural diversity at the hands of economic systems rooted in the exploitation of land, labor and life represents the existential threat to ever increasing numbers of human communities and all life as we know it. To address the scale, pace and implications of this crisis of nested crises demands unprecedented reservoirs of human creativity, divergent thinking and empathy as well as a heightened tolerance for complexity. Key to this endeavor is our ability to increase our understanding of earth systems through humble, reverential observation, and to draw lessons for sustainability in the urban context and in the context of urbanity from diverse perspectives. This course brings together diverse ecological perspectives rooted in the lived experience of indigenous and aboriginal peoples (Traditional Ecological Knowledge) with Western approaches to earth systems science and ecology (what Vandana Shiva refers to as, “New Ecological Knowledge”) and Systems Thinking, which considers not objects, elements and parts; but the complex relationships that create the whole. Coupled with a deep practice of collaborative experimentation, diverse sciences and ecosystems thinking can help us get better at learning so that we can build more effective frameworks and strategies for solving our most intransigent challenges.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous),Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5100: Fieldwork Planning

    Prerequisite for students engaging in fieldwork. Part 1: Introduction to Fieldwork Students will learn about various approaches to fieldwork through readings and discussions. These conversations will begin at the first residency and continue through the initial project period, during which time students will become familiar with the expectations of a fieldwork project. Faculty mentors will guide students through this orientation to fieldwork. Part 2: Fieldwork Planning Seminar During their second residency, students will work in groups supervised by mentoring faculty to begin designing their own field studies. Throughout the project period, faculty will guide students through the planning of their fieldwork projects, helping students articulate their learning objectives and solidify their obligations to their fieldwork sites. Throughout the project period, faculty will provide and foster a support network as students interact online to finalize their fieldwork plans
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5110: Fieldwork 1

    Building on the work completed in the Introduction to Fieldwork and Fieldwork Planning Seminar, students will engage in their actual fieldwork projects. During that time, students will be in contact with each other and their mentor in a seminar format.
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5220: Research and Writing for Practitioners

    This course is designed to provide a broad investigation of social science and urban ecosystem science research methods and design, including various quantitative and qualitative research methods. Students will be given practical tools in this course, concentrating on field methods that will equip them to collect, analyze, and interpret data. The emphasis will be on students becoming strong consumers of research, having the ability to read and evaluate quantitative and qualitative research in both social science, and environmental and related field sciences. This course will rely on real-world examples through collaborations with individuals working on issues that are important to achieve urban sustainability. No prior knowledge of methodology or statistics is expected or assumed. Basic statistical methods will be covered in this class that will enable students to read, critique, and contribute to the existing literature. The course will use literature from the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) to form a critical basis for engaging with qualitative and quantitative data. During the semester, we will explore three interrelated dimension of research, one focused on the theoretical foundations of science and research, another focused on the various methods available to researchers for data collection and analysis, and finally we will complete exercises in the practical application of various research methods. Course Learning Objectives Students in this course will be able to: ? Critique competing approaches to research design and methods, and their philosophical differences. ? Make informed choices regarding research and design methodologies for the questions they seek to answer, and to judge and evaluate the quality of projects and their chosen methodologies
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5222: Research and Writing for Practitioners

    This course is designed to provide a broad investigation of social science and urban ecosystem science research methods and design, including various quantitative and qualitative research methods. Students will be given practical tools in this course, concentrating on field methods that will equip them to collect, analyze, and interpret data. The emphasis will be on students becoming strong consumers of research, having the ability to read and evaluate quantitative and qualitative research in both social science, and environmental and related field sciences. This course will rely on real-world examples through collaborations with individuals working on issues that are important to achieve urban sustainability. No prior knowledge of methodology or statistics is expected or assumed. Basic statistical methods will be covered in this class that will enable students to read, critique, and contribute to the existing literature. The course will use literature from the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) to form a critical basis for engaging with qualitative and quantitative data. During the semester, we will explore three interrelated dimension of research, one focused on the theoretical foundations of science and research, another focused on the various methods available to researchers for data collection and analysis, and finally we will complete exercises in the practical application of various research methods. Course Learning Objectives Students in this course will be able to: ? Critique competing approaches to research design and methods, and their philosophical differences. ? Make informed choices regarding research and design methodologies for the questions they seek to answer, and to judge and evaluate the quality of projects and their chosen methodologies
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Prerequisites: URS-5100: Fieldwork Planning,URS-5230: Eco Systems Thinking,URS-5260: Science for Urban Sustainability
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5230: Eco Systems Thinking

    As the dual crises of rampant inequality and climate change threaten the future of democracy and the future of our planet, Einstein’s notion that We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them becomes the challenge of the day. Today’s problems demand unprecedented reservoirs of human creativity, divergent thinking, and empathy as well as a heightened tolerance for complexity. Eco-systems thinking – a way of seeing the world as a complex web of interconnected parts – is a skill that helps us see patterns in relationships, view a problem through many perspectives, and identify leverage points for intervention. Coupled with a deep practice of collaborative experimentation, eco-systems thinking can help us get better at learning so that we can build more effective frameworks and strategies for solving our most intransigent urban problems. The purpose of this course is to sharpen our capacity for eco-systems thinking and creative problem solving at the same time that we build fundamental professional skills.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5240: Urban Infrastructure

    This course will explore the mechanics and implications of urban infrastructure and the urban metabolism to include topics such as: energy, water, transportation, housing, waste, food, land use and the built environment; while considering efficient and equitable delivery, distribution and ownership. Students who complete the course will be able to: . Comprehend and evaluate the conventional large-scale, resource-intensive industrial-era design infrastructure model. . Challenge and change the model by applying of new methods that use bio-mimicry and ecological systems design to produce smaller scale, distributed alternatives that are less resource-intensive. . Compare and analyze theories and strategies that promote equitable access, greater efficiency, and integration at the urban scale.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Prerequisites: URS-5260: Science for Urban Sustainability
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5260: Science for Urban Sustainability

    The quality and equality of life in cities affects not only cities themselves but also shapes the circumstances in rural and less-populated areas. Even more than other ecosystems, urban landscapes have suffered from a lack of comprehensive understanding and integrated planning, which has resulted in environmental degradation and unhealthy conditions for humans and other species. Urban sustainability is necessarily interdisciplinary and thus requires a conceptual framework that moves beyond the historic city-nature dichotomy, wherein cities are perceived to be the antithesis of nature and that understands ecological processes and natural resources as the material foundation of urban places and everyday life. This course provides a robust understanding of this framework and how it can be applied to research, analysis, and the creation of proposals for action.
    Min. Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5500: Prior Learning: Urban Sustainability

    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-5960: Independent Learning

    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6000: Capstone

    The Capstone is a semester-long comprehensive project in which students integrate environment, economy, and social equity through the overarching lens of natural systems thinking in order to demonstrate the habits of mind, breadth of knowledge, practitioner skills, and social justice perspective that reflect the mission of the University and the USMA Program. With that vision of a larger matrix or network of interconnected systems, students address an urban sustainability question, problem, or initiative, building from the Capstone Proposals that they wrote at the end of the Research and Writing course. In consultation with their Capstone Committees, students design, create, record, and report on the processes of a significant client project or research project. Projects can be done by individuals or teams, and innovation is encouraged. The seminar component of the course keeps students in contact with each other and their Capstone course instructor through online conferencing as well as class and individual meetings during the residency. Students complete their capstone projects, including a written document, and prepare a presentation, which is given during their final six-day residency of the program.
    Min. Credits: 5.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Prerequisites: URS-5260: Urban Sustainability,URS-5100: Fieldwork Planning,URS-5230: Eco Systems Thinking,URS-5040: Sustainable Urban Economies,URS-5110: Fieldwork,URS-5222: Research and Writing for Practitioners,URS-5240: Urban Infrastructure
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6120: Fieldwork 2

    Building on the work completed in the Introduction to Fieldwork and Fieldwork Planning Seminar, students will engage in their actual fieldwork projects. During that time, students will be in contact with each other and their mentor in a seminar format.
    Min. Credits: 2.0 Max Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Field Study
    Prerequisites: URS-5260: Urban Sustainability,URS-5110: Fieldwork
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6130: Capstone Proposal

    The Capstone Proposal course guides students to develop a proposal for a comprehensive, focused capstone project that contributes to a specific field and/or area of practice on a theme that is relevant to the problems and possibilities of urban sustainability, meets the standards of advanced graduate work at the Master’s level, demonstrates the student’s potential as a professional practitioner and/or scholar, demonstrates that the student has achieved all of the program learning outcomes at a high level, and prepares the student for future contribution in a chosen field of urban sustainability.
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6200: Adaptive Leadership for Sustainable Change

    This 1- unit course offers an introduction to the practice of adaptive leadership, with a specific focus on applying student learning to change initiatives in progress through Fieldwork and Capstone experiences. In this course, students will be introduced to ways of thinking, ways of being, practical tools, and implementable tactics that will develop and enhance leadership effectiveness in service to mobilizing greater progress on important issues.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6230: Funding Your Mission: Grant Writing

    1-unit course will introduce students to fundraising for a 501c3 non-profit organization, with a focus on grants and grant writing. The entire grant cycle will be covered, including research, grant applications, letters of inquiry, proposals, and grant reporting. Students will write on behalf of an existing organization and complete a full grant application. Students also will learn about the components of a diverse contributed income portfolio, various types of campaigns, and laws and ethics related to fundraising.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6255: Democratizing Community Planning

    In this course, we will consider how democratizing planning and design could be used to dismantle unjust systems and ensure a sustainable future. We will examine undemocratic planning through social history and its connection to structural racism. We will learn what is the people’s “right to the city”, why democratizing planning is important, how planners and community members can shift planning practice and facilitate a “Just Transition,” and how to use popular education tools and strategies to “build the new” planning paradigm. We will study theoretical frameworks and practitioner principles for democratizing and decolonizing planning practice and how to apply participatory methodology in everyday planning practice.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Prerequisites: URS-5240: Urban Infrastructure
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6260: Practical Map Making

    The course is organized around three smaller projects, and a final project which will draw on all of the skills gained in completing the first three projects. Each project includes online research into ways that cartographers represent data, discussion on the online forum, and the use of GIS and drawing software to represent geographic information. Through the course projects, students confront realistic problem scenarios that incorporate such skills and concepts as creating symbolization schemes, dealing with map projections, creating terrain representations, classification schemes, multivariate representation and representation of data uncertainty. Those who successfully complete the course are able to design and produce effective reference and thematic maps using GIS software, and can interpret and critique maps and related information graphics.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6280: The Power of Story: Creating Strategy, Meme and Messages for Social Change

    Story has become a major arena of struggle in the current era. More and more, campaigns for social change and organizers for human rights and justice are recognizing the need for more sophisticated strategy around developing story and making meaning within their mobilizations, actions, campaigns and movement building work. This is a 1-unit course designed to provide students with an introduction to the basic tools for developing story-based strategy into social change work and the opportunity to apply them to real working campaigns, organizations, ideas and social movements.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6290: Introduction to Environmental Journalism

    This 1-unit course is a practical introduction to environmental journalism, which has an impact on open space, wildlife and humans and in many ways creates public agenda about the environment. It will help you find and develop story ideas, gather information and view issues from many different perspectives to produce fair and accurate articles. Just as in media newsrooms, we will discuss story ideas, as well as our successes and failures in previous assignments. A guest speaker involved in current environmental issues will help provide you with a better understanding of the complexities of real-life controversies, and of possible career opportunities. You are expected to be aware of major environmental issues of the day in your region, and keep track of environmental coverage in leading publications such as the Los Angeles Times and New York Times, and in research publications for environmental writers: Science and Nature. Your grade will be based on class participation, news judgment, clarity, accuracy, balance and the ability to meet deadlines.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom,Online (asynchronous)
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • URS-6500: Prior Learning: Urban Sustainability

    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Semester credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Urban Sustainability

  • WLC-1000: The Influence of Gender on Leadership: Case Studies of Female Leaders, Past & Present - Part I

  • WLC-1010: The Influence of Gender on Leadership: Case Studies of Female Leaders, Past & Present - Part II

  • WLC-1020: Residency 1: Introduction to Women & Leadership

  • WLC-2000: The Practice of Values-Based Leadership: Progressive and Effective Leadership Training - Part I

  • WLC-2010: The Practice of Values-Based Leadership: Progressive and Effective Leadership Training - Part II

  • WLC-2020: Residency 2: Values-Based Leadership Skills in Action

  • WLC-3000: Experiential Leadership Project - Part I

  • WLC-3010: Experiential Leadership Proj - Part II

  • WLC-3020: Residency 3: Gender-Related Challenges Of Leadership

  • WOM-3801: Global Women’s Health

    This class will explore the social and biological factors impacting women’s health, with special emphasis on the countries of the Global South: Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Women’s and girls’ health is linked to many dimensions, including the type of work they do, access to food and water, sanitation, cultural practices regarding pregnancy and childbirth, and access to health care services, as well as local patterns of disease and other health concerns. As we explore these questions, we will seek the voices of the women of the Global South, and explore how local communities are coming together to improve women’s health. Topics will include the role of traditional birth attendants, the impact of poverty, violence against women, safe practices for childbirth, as well as the innovative programs for health education provided by community health workers in many rural communities. We will also attempt to explore the impact of the current pandemic on women and girls in communities of the Global South.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Online (asynchronous),Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRK-6010: Human Sexuality

    In this workshop, students examine current topics including biological, psychological, psychosocial and cultural aspects of sexuality. Students explore their own sexual identities and their values regarding sexual behavior. In order to receive credit with the Board of Psychology or the Board of Behavioral Sciences for the Human Sexuality requirement for licensure, students must attend all ten hours of instruction.
    Min. Credits: 0.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Workshop
    Course Type Clinical Psychology

  • WRK-7010: Psychopharmacology

    This supplementary course is a 6 hour workshop that will review principles of neurotransmission, and investigate the role of pharmaceuticals in the treatment of mental disorders. Topics to be discussed include: depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, insomnia, bi-polar disorder, attention-deficit disorder, and dementia. Current research and pharmacological treatment of these and other disorders will be discussed in lecture, case study and vignette format.
    Min. Credits: 0.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Workshop
    Course Type Clinical Psychology

  • WRK-7040: Advances in the DSM

    This supplementary course is a 6 hour workshop describing recent advances in the development of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and controversies surrounding its development and use.
    Min. Credits: 0.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Workshop
    Course Type Clinical Psychology

  • WRK-7090: Suicide: Effective Risk Assessment and Intervention

    Suicide is the most common psychological emergency that therapists will encounter, and it is on the rise. For mental health professionals with an active clinical practice, suicide is an occupational hazard that can be both emotionally and practically devastating. Recent research has identified suicide-specific therapies that are effective in treating both suicidal ideation and behavior. Most therapists are not aware of them nor have they been trained in them, so most suicidal clients do not receive these potentially lifesaving treatments. This course will provide an invaluable opportunity for therapists to become familiar with these empirically validated, evidence-based treatments for suicide that are fast becoming the standard of care.
    Min. Credits: 0.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Workshop
    Course Type Clinical Psychology

  • WRT-1000CR: Narrative Writing

    An introduction to the process of narrative writing as a means to tell one’s story. Students review the stages of writing (gathering ideas, developing an outline, writing the first draft, editing, and polishing), experiment with artistic ways of creating outlines and supporting examples that convey non-fiction narrative arcs, engage in writer’s workshops with small groups of students, and explore strategies for finding voice in the writing process. Students produce a polished set of narrative writing pieces describing one’s personal, cultural and professional history.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-1000CR: Narrative Writing

  • WRT-1010CR: Expository Writing in ECE

    The study of fundamental writing skills and varied writing strategies leading to the planning, organizing, writing, and revising of academic essays. Writing assignments highlight learnings from applied professional experience, with a focus on developing authority as writers in communicating one’s own knowledge and perspective to a specific audience. Students receive feedback through multiple drafts and revisions.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-1010CR: Expository Writing in ECE

  • WRT-1020CR: Bicultural Voice in Academic Writing

    This course supports students in further developing academic writing fluidity and conventions in ways that are culturally responsive. It covers the fundamental concepts of academic writing, including: (1) reading closely to analyze texts and question sources; (2) reasoning with evidence; (3) organizing persuasive and well-structured arguments; and (4) communicating ideas in clear and effective prose. The course helps students increase the effectiveness of their writing practices and develop a sense of confidence in themselves as writers and emerging scholars in active dialoguers with authors, teachers, and peers. It includes a broad range of study skills form time management, writing support strategies, and using computer technology. The emphasis is on developing one’s critical bicultural voice within the structure of academic writing. Students will consider the role of the research question in organizing academic writing as well as selecting lenses to use in structuring the review of literature. The use of writer’s workshop strategies will support peer feedback and collaborative editing within the writing process.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-1020CR: Bicultural Voice in Academic Writing

  • WRT-1100BR: The Art of Personal Narrative

    This is a class about writing your story (personal narrative). We’ll focus on creative expression and writing about your world. In this work, you will learn to use the writing process to draft, write, develop, expand, and edit a piece of personal narrative writing. You’ll also learn to identify and apply revision strategies using poetic devices, punctuation, and grammar.
    Min. Credits: 2 Max Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-1100BR: The Art of Personal Narrative

  • WRT-1110BR: Writing and Responding: Creating a Critical Dialogue

    Last quarter, you wrote your own stories. We focused on expression and writing your world as well as using the process of writing (and the SFD). This quarter, we will build on these ideas. In addition to writing about your experiences, you’ll be writing your responses to ideas and opinions of others.
    Min. Credits: 2 Max Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-1110BR: Writing and Responding: Creating a Critical Dialogue

  • WRT-1120BR: Writing Critical Analysis

    Last quarter, we researched the subject of education as a class, and you wrote your ideas about this research - as well as your personal stories on the topic of education. This quarter, we will continue to assemble papers this way, building on the ideas that you wrote about in the first and second quarters. Rather than having a topic chosen for you, you will select a topic from subjects we’ve studied in the Bridge Program so far. You will also learn to include your own research, look at research critically, and bring together ideas from outside sources. By the end of the quarter, I hope that you will have developed the areas listed below.
    Min. Credits: 2 Max Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-1120BR: Writing Critical Analysis

  • WRT-2510: Independent Study: Writing

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3040: Writing Prior Learning Experience

    Antioch highly values the experiential knowledge of adult learners. The Writing Prior Learning course is designed to foster an in-depth understanding of the correlation between experience and learning. Students will articulate their learning in narratives that demonstrate discernable outcomes that will subsequently be evaluated for upper division liberal arts credit.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3040: Writing Prior Learning Experience

  • WRT-3050: Writing in Academic Contexts

    Offers students a critical exploration of reading and writing intrinsic to the university, including addressing contested academic writing conventions. Students compose a variety of genres, from personal narratives to more formal, academic writing incorporating outside research. The writing workshop approach includes tutorials supporting the writing process, peer editing, and successful revising and proofreading techniques.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Simulteaching, Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3100: Academic Writing

    Beginning with a review of basics (grammar, outline, style, purpose, etc.) the course will focus on the development of individual student’s writing skills from writing about the self through expository and persuasive writing. Through assignments and in-class exercises, the elements of basic communication common to both academic and professional writing will be examined. Revisions and development will be emphasized. There will be limited lecture and a great deal of discussion, practice and feedback in both dyad and workshop formats. The overall goal is to improve each student’s writing skills regardless of initial level of sophistication. Required in the first quarter for all students.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3290: The Art of Screenwriting

    This class is a workshop for students to develop the fundamental tools and techniques of screenwriting for film. It is designed to provide the film writing student with skills that cultivate an ability to create compelling narrative story lines, a nuanced understanding of the dramatic structure of screenplays, and an ability to effectively read and write in film script format. The class is designed for the screenwriting student who is prepared to originate new work and present it in a supportive and rigorous workshop setting. Work will be given a close reading by all students and the teacher in the workshop. Participants will give detailed written comments as well as engage in a group critique of work. The class will seek to investigate screenwriting as a genre that is both bound by conventions but breaks withheld formulas. We will reflect on the commercial versus the artistic aspects of the screenplay and what are the demands of each market- how can the screenplays and stories we want to tell be both personal (reflect our cultural identities) and be viable in a commercial marketplace? As space allows, students may enroll in the screenwriting workshop during multiple quarters. Different members of the creative writing faculty teach the workshop, allowing students over successive quarters to complete entire screenplays and to get broader exposure to diverse bodies of films.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3510: Independent Study : Writing

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3590: Academic Research Writing: Methods and Techniques

    This course reviews essay writing conventions and focuses on strategies of academic writing, analysis, argument, with a close examination of research techniques and methods. The quality of the research and how we conduct research is a major concern in the age of “fake news.” Students will analyze texts and research from a variety of disciplines; they will also learn various methods and techniques of research to help them construct well-researched and engaging works. Students will learn how to conduct and include highly effective research while simultaneously exercising their own authentic voice and infusing it into their academic writing. Students will employ various types of research in their paper as they examine their community of Southern California through a lens of empowerment. Students will use research to explore local people, places, or organizations dedicated to empowering underserved communities and ask themselves what they really understand about the history, efficacy, and mission of the people they investigate.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3800: Nature Writing in a Time of Climate Catastrophe

    Includes course offerings of special interest within or across areas of concentration.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3930: Argument and Persuasion

    This course expands the notion of argument and suggests a wide variety of discourses-from text to television, verse to video-that can be understood as practices of argument. The course covers the analysis of various forms of argument and the evaluation of arguments presented in the world. The course encourages the student to create effective reader-centered arguments using multiple writing strategies through several lenses, including opinion editorial, social media and academic argument. The student evaluates the application of supportive evidence in professional writers’ work as well as for use in their own work and then generates writing through several audience lenses using qualified evidence as the primary way to support the argument.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles,Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3941: Special Topics in Writing

    Every quarter, a variety of one-unit seminars are offered on contemporary topics. See Schedule of Classes for current offerings. May be repeated up to six times.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3960: Ind Study

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-3980: Internship

    This course emphasizes professional writing experience from work sites either within or outside the university. Interns are supervised by B.A. Faculty and/or work site managers. The internship is designed for students seeking on-the-job experience and college credit, but students may also work for pay if the position offers compensation. The student and advisor establish goals and a timeline and create a learning contract. Research and a reading list may be required. Students gain practical experience, master technical aspects of various positions, and become familiar with career opportunities.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Field Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-4060: Inquiry and Research

    This course emphasizes that writing and inquiry are both cognitive processes. Student-writers develop their understanding of their particular discourse community through critical inquiry, active reading, researching and writing, and integration of primary and secondary sources. They also explore a personal stance in relation to the material studied. Students produce a polished research paper on a topic of their choosing.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Simulteaching, Classroom, Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-4210: Professional Writing

    An advanced course in writing for a variety of professional applications including, science, business, grants promotion, and reporting. Students study conceptual and technical writing in a wide range of mediums for diverse audiences with attention to tone and style. Students engage in the writing process as it pertains to professional writing through drafting, revising, and presenting an individual portfolio that is immediately applicable to the professional writing environment.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Simulteaching
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-4450: Writing for Social Change

    This course explores the theory, meaning, conventions, and practical techniques of writing for social change. It is designed to be useful for those working in small profit or non-profit business, where a variety of writing projects must be done by the staff at hand, quickly, whether they consider themselves writers or not. The course examines the qualities of good writing that transcend any particular form: clear sentences, lively detail, smooth transitions, good story, etc. Assignments include practical applications of writing including the press release, letter to the editor, funding proposal, and grant reporting, and should include all the qualities of good, engaging writing. Students are encouraged to tailor their assignments to real world situations where they wish to use writing to support or spark positive social change.
    Min. Credits: 3
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles, Antioch Univ Santa Barbara, Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom, Simulteaching
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-4510: Independent Study: Writing

    Student and instructor design an individualized course of study to enable exploration of topics not generally available in the established curriculum. Syllabus contains specific course learning outcomes, assignments and grounds for evaluation.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Los Angeles
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRT-4800: Special Topics in Arts & Literature

    Includes course offerings of special interest within or across areas of concentration.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Santa Barbara
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRTG-3018: Writing the Anthropocene: Nature Writing in a TIme of Climate Catastrophe

    How can stories be beneficial to people navigating difficult times? This course explores our human disposition towards storytelling and how stories can engage psyche and soma and influence individual and collective wounds. Students will be introduced to the healing power of story in three ways: first, by engaging the imaginal realms of story through listening to, reading, and reflecting upon myth and wonder tales; secondly through discovering how writing can serve to bring healing; and thirdly through gaining an understanding of the humanizing impact of narrative in the medical field.
    Min. Credits: 3.0 Max Credits: 4.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRTG-4800: Special Topics in Creative Writing Studies

    Includes course offerings of special interest in creative writing
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 6.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom,Online Meeting (synchronous)
    Course Type Liberal & Disciplinary Studies

  • WRTG-5110: Writing in Education

    This course provides MA-Education students a developmental experience in writing for an academic, educational discourse community. Emphasis will be on demystifying academic writing, audiences, and purposes in the field of curriculum studies; developing critically reflective and persuasive compositions; practicing APA-style formatting; and developing the writing process through workshop-style sessions. Students will be supported in their writing process through instructor feedback and peer collaboration.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Lab
    Corequisites: EDUC-5110: Curriculum Studies & Ref Pract
    Course Type Counseling

  • WRTG-5112: Writing in Education

    This course provides MA-Education students a developmental experience in writing for an academic, educational discourse community. Emphasis will be on demystifying academic writing, audiences, and purposes in the field of curriculum studies; developing critically reflective and persuasive compositions; practicing APA-style formatting; and developing the writing process through workshop-style sessions. Students will be supported in their writing process through instructor feedback and peer collaboration.
    Min. Credits: 2.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Lab
    Corequisites: EDUC-5110: Curriculum Studies & Ref Pract
    Course Type Counseling

  • WRTG-5990: Independent Study in Writing

    Offers students independent learning beyond the scope or format of the writing classes, involving concentrated examination of a topic that reflects current issues related to writing and society. Some topics that might be explored are: Eco-writing, magazine/journal writing for specific audiences, writing as healing, etc.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Independent Study
    Course Type Creative Arts Therapies

  • WRTG-6050: Writing in Academic Contexts

    This course offers a vibrant and vital exploration of reading and writing at the university level. Students build and refine their skills by composing in a variety of genres, from personal narratives to more formal academic writing. The writing workshop approach inclues peer editing and revising. This course may be repeated once for credit to continue to building and refining writting skills.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Counseling

  • WRTG-6060: Inquiry & Research

    Emphasizes that writing and inquiry are both cognitive processes. Student-writers develop their understanding of their particular discourse community through critical, active reading, researching and writing, and integration of primary and secondary sources.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Counseling

  • WRTG-6100: Writing the Literature Review

    Explores the complexities involved in researching, composing, revising and formatting the proposal, project paper, thesis or dissertation. Graduate students engage in careful examination of rhetorical strategies involved in researching and writing their terminal paper for a degree in their content area.
    Min. Credits: 1
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Lab
    Course Type Counseling (CMHC), Relational Therapy (CFT), Creative Arts Therapies

  • WRTG-6110: Writing in Psychology

    Writing in Psychology offers Psychology graduate students a comprehensive experience in writing from and about research for the psychological discourse community. The class emphasizes critical reading & thinking, the development of technical & library skills as well as the integration of primary & secondary sources in graduate level writing. Students gain experience in composing in multiple genres requiring formal research.
    Min. Credits: 3.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Applied Psychology

  • WRTG-6111: Writing in Psychology (low residency)

    Writing in Psychology offers Psychology graduate students a comprehensive experience in writing from and about research for the psychological discourse community. The class emphasizes critical reading & thinking, the development of technical & library skills as well as the integration of primary & secondary sources in graduate level writing. Students gain experience in composing in multiple genres requiring formal research.
    Min. Credits: 1.5
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Applied Psychology

  • WRTG-6500: Writing the Inquiry Report

    This course will support student writing of the Inquiry Project by focusing on the latter half of the Report. Students will articulate their Project’s findings, implications, applications, etc. to clearly and cogently demonstrate the scope, impact, and purpose of their research. Students will prepare the final, polished version of their Report in cohesive and correct APA style, with support for crafting digital presentations of the Report. This workshop-style course will include collaborative peer support and focused, personalized instruction for each unique project.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Lab
    Corequisites: EDUC-6500: Inquiry Report
    Course Type Counseling

  • WRTG-6900: Special Topics

    Offers students a concentrated examination of a topic that reflects current issues related to writing and society. Some topics that might be explored are: Eco-writing, magazine/journal writing for specific audiences, writing as healing, etc.
    Min. Credits: 1.0 Max Credits: 5.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Counseling

  • WRTG-7010: Writing in Psy.D.

    This is a required course for all entering PsyD students. It provides a developmental experience in writing for an academic, psychological discourse community; for adhering to APA style and format expectations; and for writing in the various genres expected at the doctoral level. The course approaches writing and reading as cognitive processes, and it provides a baseline of understanding the rhetorical demands of writing in psychology. This one-credit seminar strives to meet and assess students’ needs as they enter the program and then support writing growth through their study.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Clinical Psychology

  • WRTG-7021: Conceptualizing the Dissertation Inquiry & Research

    In this course, students will initiate their dissertation research proposal, moving from the hazy germ of an idea to a focused statement of inquiry. Biweekly sessions will help students down research questions, select appropriate methodologies, research and report on relevant literature, and organize and share findings while following APA style guidelines. Students should expect to write and to share their works in progress, with the goals of experimenting with initial drafts, revising work after receiving feedback, and becoming more proficient at the research-writing process. The class will also address best practices of self-discipline for long-term research and writing projects. Students should conclude the quarter with a greater understanding of the general process of inquiry, research, and writing, in preparation for the Dissertation Prospectus and Proposal seminars and writing workshops.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Course Type Clinical Psychology

  • WRTG-8901: Writing the Dissertation Prospectus

    To be taken concurrently with PSYC-8901. This required course is the first of two sequential workshops where students actively engage in writing their Prospectus document. In the service of composing a solid research inquiry, the course offers specific benchmarks for proposal chapters, teaches effective rhetorical strategies, embodies best practices in dissertation writing, and asks students to consider their discourse community. Students should schedule their first dissertation committee meeting soon after the end of this course.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Corequisites: PSYC-8901: Dissertation Sem I: Prospectus
    Course Type Clinical Psychology

  • WRTG-8902: Writing the Dissertation Proposal

    To be taken concurrently with PSYC-8902. This required course is the second of two sequential workshops where students actively engage in writing their Proposal document. In the service of composing a solid research proposal, the course offers specific benchmarks for proposal chapters, teaches effective rhetorical strategies, embodies best practices in dissertation writing, and asks students to consider their discourse community. Students should schedule their second dissertation committee meeting within one quarter after the end of this course.
    Min. Credits: 1.0
    Credit Basis: Quarter credit
    Location(s): Antioch Univ Seattle
    Method(s): Classroom
    Corequisites: PSYC-8902: Dissertation Sem II: Proposal
    Course Type Clinical Psychology


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