Mar 31, 2025  
University Catalog 2024-2025 
University Catalog 2024-2025

Undergraduate Studies Academic Standards and Practices

Whereas academic policies are established at and apply across all programs at the university, this section describes specific practices used in the School of Undergraduate Studies to support the success of our students and guide instruction in Antioch University undergraduate programs. Additional information specific to each individual academic program is found in the handbooks and shared sites of each program; students are made aware of these through the orientation process and can contact their program offices for more details. Students are advised to familiarize themselves with the information in this section and in the resources specific to their programs. 

Undergraduate Learning Objectives 

When a student pursues an undergraduate degree at Antioch University, there are certain learning goals that faculty agree should be prioritized no matter how students focus their studies. Faculty from all undergraduate degree programs have created shared program objectives, which are listed below.  These objectives inform how faculty develop and update the curriculum and also ensure that student learning across all programs will reflect the mission and values of the School.  

Students in Undergraduate Studies develop the ability to:

  • Engage in critical inquiry that employs relevant sources and methods;

  • Consider diverse perspectives, including opposing points of view and marginalized voices;

  • Connect learning with theories and experience through reflective practice;

  • Analyze power, oppression, and resistance in pursuit of justice;

  • Communicate effectively in oral, written, and visual forms;

  • Examine issues in both local and global contexts.

In addition, each course, workshop, independent study, and internship also centers on learning objectives established by the instructor and stated in the syllabus and on the final Student Learning Evaluation form.  Whereas the classroom instructor has authority and responsibility for the content and expectations of the course or other learning activity, the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and the Dean are responsible for oversight of the curriculum. 

Academic Advising and Degree Planning

The advisor-student relationship is a cornerstone of Antioch’s approach to individualized student learning. Students are encouraged to take full advantage of this unique level of support. 

Upon enrollment, each student is assigned an academic advisor to assist with degree/program planning, course selection, academic progress, academic support resources, internship placements, prior learning, graduate and postgraduate study options, career pathways, and problem-solving. Academic advisors may communicate with advisees by email, phone, electronic videoconferencing, and/or in person.

Advisors assist students in meeting University academic requirements and understanding University and program procedures, although students are responsible for reading and following procedures and policies published in this Catalog and in additional University publications. 

Classroom Learning

Antioch University’s undergraduate programs offer multiple course modalities for students to engage in learning. These include synchronous (real-time) classes held on campus or via remote video conferencing as well as asynchronous class formats. 

The campus-based undergraduate programs (in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Seattle) primarily conduct classes using synchronous methods, whether meetings are held in person or via remote video conferencing (Zoom), although some asynchronous and hybrid offerings are also available. Asynchronous classes are structured learning opportunities, with each class allowing completion of course assignments during certain timelines within the term. Fully online asynchronous programs are available through Distance and Extended Education (Antioch Online). All classes use a Learning Management System (currently Sakai and in the future, Brightspace), for sharing course materials, conducting discussions, and/or submitting assigned work. 

Synchronous classes are offered for three or four credits and typically meet for anywhere from two and a half to three hours per session. One- to three-credit intensive workshops and classes may meet for one to three full days. Asynchronous classes are typically offered for three credits.

The School of Undergraduate Studies follows best practice in higher education in terms of expectations for student effort for earning academic credit. Minimum hours expected for each learning activity use the following metric:

  • 1 quarter credit = 33 clock hours of student work

    • Example:  a 3-unit quarter-based course has an expectation of approximately 100 hours, 30 of which would be classroom hours in a synchronous course

  • 1 semester unit of credit = 50 clock hours of student work

    • Example:  a 3-unit semester-based course has an expectation of approximately 150 hours

Non-Classroom Learning: Independent Studies, Internships, and Prior Learning

Antioch’s undergraduate curriculum supplements classroom learning with the opportunity to earn credit through non-classroom learning activities. 

Students in the campus-based programs can choose from a rich mix of non-classroom learning options through independent studies, internships, and prior learning. Students may pursue independent studies in subjects that are not offered in the classroom. Internships provide opportunities for hands-on learning at approved field-based sites. The prior learning process enables students to demonstrate and earn credit for learning acquired prior to Antioch enrollment through a process involving the documentation of past learning and faculty review.

The fully online asynchronous undergraduate programs also provide the opportunity for enrolled students to earn credits through prior learning.  

Students work with their advisors and/or non-classroom learning coordinators to build non-classroom learning opportunities that both apply to the student’s degree plan and further the student’s educational goals and career aspirations. All non-classroom learning activities require the participation of a program-approved faculty evaluator who is qualified in the discipline of the activity. Students are strictly prohibited from providing remuneration to their faculty evaluators under any circumstances. 

Further program-specific information for non-classroom learning can be found in the program-specific handbooks and/or resource sites. 

Narrative Evaluations and Grade Equivalents

Narrative Evaluations

Antioch courses and other learning activities are evaluated through a narrative assessment written by the instructor who awards credit at the end of the term. This process affirms the core belief that individualized evaluations of student work are more meaningful than simple letter grades.  This method of evaluation also reflects Antioch’s emphasis on individualized student learning above competition between students. 

For each course or learning activity, the instructor indicates “Credit Awarded,” “Credit Not Awarded” or “Incomplete” and writes a thoughtful assessment of the student’s learning with specific reference to course and program objectives articulated in the syllabus. This provides students with a personalized assessment of their learning for every learning activity, identifying areas of opportunity for growth and highlighting significant accomplishments. These narrative assessments become a part of a student’s permanent academic record. 

Letter Grade Equivalents

We recognize that students increasingly feel the need to provide letter grade information in order to be reimbursed for tuition by their employer, to apply for certain grants or scholarships, or for admission to graduate programs that require letter grades and/or their equivalents. Due to these external forces, faculty assign letter grade equivalents (LGEs) for all undergraduate courses in addition to narrative evaluations of student learning. Grade equivalents are not assigned for internships, prior learning, or 0-unit courses. 

These grade equivalents by default do not appear on the evaluation unless the student requests to see them, but are archived for future use. Letter grade equivalents or GPA equivalents can be generated by the Office of the Registrar if and when a student needs them. Letter grade equivalents never appear on the student’s transcript. 

Letter Grade Equivalents are assessments of the entirety of a student’s course participation and demonstrated learning determined at the end of the term. The letter grade equivalents being used for undergraduate learning are as follows:


Letter Grade Equivalent





Work overall is exemplary, highly creative, original, or significant; Excellent understanding of key ideas, as demonstrated through explanations and applications supplied in written assignments, discussions, and other forums; Work is theoretically sophisticated and displays mastery of course methods, techniques, and skills



Work accomplishes a level between the descriptions corresponding with A and B.



Work overall is solid, comprehensive, and/or well written but does not stand out. Student solidly fulfilled the course requirements and integrated the course material in an effective manner; Demonstrates above average understanding of concepts. 



Work accomplishes a level between the descriptions corresponding with B and C.



Work overall shows average but not outstanding comprehension of concepts; Written work was adequate in content and writing style; Student fulfilled course requirements, and integrated course material as required.



Work overall is written or executed at a below-average level. Displays weak comprehension of concepts and theories



Student has not submitted the required assignments, participated adequately in the course, or in other ways failed to meet the requirements for engagement in the course; Displays no satisfactory comprehension of concepts and theories

Overall Grade Point Average (GPA) Equivalents

Students may request the calculation of an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) equivalent at any time. The GPA equivalent is calculated by the Office of the Registrar, based on performance in all non-exempt activities that a student engaged in as part of her or his degree. It does not include learning activities that were recorded as an Incomplete or Administrative Withdrawal. The GPA equivalent calculation does include No Credit coursework and learning activities for which Incomplete was awarded and later converted to a No Credit. If a student repeats a course for which they earned No Credit and if the student earns credit during this subsequent enrollment, only the Credit Awarded grade equivalent is used in the calculation of the GPA equivalent.

Transfer Credit


The Antioch University transfer credit policy is aimed at facilitating the transfer of students and credits from a previous college or university to Antioch. The policy seeks to assure maximum utilization of credits earned previously, and is consistent with current and best practices in higher education. 

Antioch University has adopted the three criteria of quality, comparability, and applicability for evaluating transfer credits, as articulated in the 2001 Joint Statement on Transfer and Award of Academic Credit, developed by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, the American Council on Education, and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation:

  1. The educational quality of the learning experience which the student transfers;

  2. The comparability of the nature, content, and level of the learning experience to that offered by the receiving institution; and

  3. The appropriateness and applicability of the learning experience to the programs offered by the receiving institution, in light of the student’s educational goals.

Antioch University does not charge transfer credit evaluation processing fees. 

Process of determining Transfer Credit Eligibility and Equivalency

Initial determinations of transfer credit eligibility and equivalency are made by the Office of Admissions or the academic department. A course-by-course evaluation of the student’s transcript is performed after reviewing the previous institution’s accreditation. Information used to evaluate courses for transfer include course codes, course titles, course descriptions, course syllabi, program descriptions, and any current articulation agreements between Antioch and the previous institution. Coursework deemed acceptable will be initially posted to the student’s permanent University record and then validated and approved by the Office of the Registrar upon the student’s enrollment and the final submission of official transcripts.

Transfer Credit Guidelines

The School of Undergraduate Studies has established general transfer credit policies that apply across programs, while respecting individual programs’ needs to determine particular details of implementation within these parameters. While specific guidelines and decisions to accept transfer credits rest with each degree program, all campuses/units must adhere to the following minimum policies:

  1. Applicability of Transfer Credits

  • Antioch University accepts for transfer only academic credits applicable to the degree requirements of the program the applicant is entering. 

  2. Eligible Transfer Credits

  • The following transfer credits are eligible for consideration as transfer credit, if taken for academic credit at the originating institution and if the student earned a “C” or better. Credits taken as continuing education units (CEUs) or on an audit basis do not qualify for transfer credit.

A. Credits from institutions accredited by one of the six regional accrediting agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. These six regional accrediting bodies are: 

Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Higher Learning Commission
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Credits from academic institutions accredited by national accrediting bodies recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and/or Department of Education.

B. Learning demonstrated through equivalency examinations (CLEP, DANTES/ DSST, ACT, PEP, etc.) that have been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). Antioch awards lower-division credits for qualifying CLEP and DSST scores following American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations.

C. Learning demonstrated through portfolios that have been evaluated by Council
on Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and are listed on an ACENET transcript.

D. Learning demonstrated through College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examinations: Antioch University campuses/units use the College Board recommendations to determine the number of credits awarded for a range of credit-granting AP scores.

E. Credits on military transcripts per guidelines established by the American Council on Education (ACE) for the crediting of military experience.

F. International Baccalaureate (IB): Scores of 5 or higher.

G. Credits earned through concurrent registration. 

Courses taken concurrently at another institution may be applied toward fulfillment of
degree requirements if the following criteria are met:
i. Students have met with their academic advisor to discuss their academic
plan and have obtained their advisor’s and department chair’s approval on the course content.
ii. The Office of the Registrar has approved the course’s eligibility for transfer to AU.

H. Credit from international institutions: Typically, foreign transcripts must
undergo, at the applicant’s expense, an evaluation by a specialized transcript evaluation service approved by Antioch. Credits for work from foreign institutions of higher learning may also be eligible for transfer based on an evaluation by the Registrar in consultation with the academic program, provided the credits meet standards and guidelines adopted by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).

I. Eligible credits through the Alternative Credit Project (ACP), a national program of the American Council on Education.

   3. Ineligible Transfer Credits

  • The following are generally not eligible for consideration as transfer credit:

A. Credits completed at institutions not accredited or approved as indicated above
are generally not available for transfer. Exceptions must be approved by the academic
unit head on a course-by-course basis, employing the three criteria of quality, comparability, and applicability.

B. Credits completed at other institutions that have been applied to a completed degree are not eligible for transfer credit for a degree at the same academic level.

C. Credits from institutions with candidacy for accreditation. Antioch accepts credit for transfer only if the credits were earned at a time when the school was accredited.
Exception: A student holding a Registered Nurse (R.N.) degree from a National League of Nurses-approved program may be eligible for undergraduate transfer credit despite lack of regional accreditation.

D. Credits for which a student earned a grade of “C-” or lower.

Transfer Credit Evaluation Practices

  1. An official transcript from another institution or approved agency is the only basis for awarding transfer credits on the Antioch University student record. A transcript is considered official if:

    • received in hard-copy, contains the official imprint of the Registrar’s Office of the sending institution, and is in a sealed envelope, or:

    • delivered electronically to the Office of the Registrar’s or the Admissions Office through a secure portal.

  2. Unofficial transfer credit evaluations may be made from unofficial materials supplied by the student. No credit will be awarded from these documents, and the unofficial evaluation is subject to change upon receipt of the official document.

  3. Students wishing to transfer credit may be required to supply additional documentation (catalog or course description, and/or syllabus from the other institution) to the Antioch faculty and/or Registrar.  

  4. Only academic courses applicable to the degree requirements may be accepted for transfer credit. 

  5. Only undergraduate courses with a minimum grade of “C” or better (or equivalent to “C” or better if the other institution operates on a non-graded system) are eligible for transfer.

    • Antioch University accepts undergraduate transfer credit(s) for courses completed with a Pass in a Pass-Fail system, if the Pass is equivalent to a minimum of a C.

  6. The number of permitted transfer credits must be consistent with University policy as well as any relevant state policies or guidelines in the state in which that campus is operating.

    • For Undergraduate Programs, no more than 75% of the credits in the degree may be awarded for any combination of transfer credit and prior learning.

  7. Antioch University applies the following credit hour equivalencies:

    • To convert transfer credits to quarter credits the following formulas are used:

      • # of semester credits x 1.5 = # of quarter credits, or

      • # of trimester credits x 1.5 = # of quarter credits.

    • To convert transfer credits to semester credits the following formulas are used:

      • # of quarter credits  ÷ 1.5 = # of semester credits, or

      • # of trimester credits = # of semester credits.

      • Fractions are rounded down to the nearest half-unit.