Feb 07, 2025  
University Catalog 2023-2024 
University Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Policies

Antioch University maintains a wide range of university-level policies that apply consistently to students, faculty, staff and academic programs on all campuses to promote fair and equitable treatment. All Antioch campuses abide by these university policies. In addition to the following University policies, campuses may adhere to additional campus-specific policies as long as these policies do not abridge or constrain University policy in the designated area.

Below are some of the policies most relevant to Antioch students. A complete listing of policies may be found on the Antioch University Repository and Archive (AURA).

General Policy Information

You can browse Antioch University Policies Collection at https://aura.antioch.edu/au_policies/

Academic Policies

Attendance Policy

See Antioch University Attendance Policy, 5.615.

This policy outlines initial attendance requirements applicable to all Antioch students in all delivery modes, and defines the consequences of failure to meet these requirements.

Degree & Academic Certificate Conferral Policy

See Antioch University Degree and Academic Certificate Conferral Policy, 5.705.

Although degree and certificate requirements vary from program to program, all students must meet certain criteria and deadlines to have their academic degree or certificate conferred and to receive official documentation (transcript and diploma/certificate).

Grade Equivalency Policy

See Antioch University Grade Equivalency Policy, 5.229.

This policy outlines Antioch University’s policy on narrative evaluation and letter grade equivalencies.

Grading System and Transcript Recording Policy

See Antioch University Grading System and Transcript Recording Policy, 5.227.

This policy lists and defines all valid evaluative marks for the Antioch transcript, as well as the conditions under which they may be conferred. It also clarifies the relationship between the transcript and a student’s set of narrative evaluations.

Intra-University Registration Policy

See Antioch University Intra-University Registration Policy, 5.621.

Antioch University has campuses in Los Angeles, California; Seattle, Washington; Keene, New Hampshire; and Yellow Springs, Ohio, as well as the PhD in Leadership and Change, a distance program, and AU Online and Extended Programs, an online/remote division. Students enrolled at a specific campus may wish to enroll in academic courses offered at another Antioch campus or AU Online and Extended Programs.

Students enrolled at a specific Antioch campus interested in registering for courses at another Antioch campus or AU Online and Extended Programs must complete the Intra-University Registration Petition form and receive approval from all indicated departments.

Students who begin an academic program at a specific Antioch campus and wish to transfer to another Antioch campus to complete their course of study are subject to transfer policies and degree requirements of the new academic unit.

Prior Learning Credit Policy

See Antioch University Prior Learning Credit Policy, 5.613.

Prior learning credit is university credit that has been granted for this type of learning once it is demonstrated through a portfolio or other documentation process.

Student Academic Load & Class Standing Policy

See Antioch University Student Academic Load & Class Standing Policy, 5.617.

Antioch University maintains a standard set of definitions on student academic load per term that reflect commonly accepted practice in higher education. This consistency is important to ensure that students are appropriately classified as part-time for the purposes of assessing satisfactory academic progress as well as financial aid eligibility.

Student Records (FERPA) Policy

See Antioch University Student Records (FERPA) Policy, 5.629.

Antioch University adheres to federal regulations regarding protection of and access to student records as stipulated by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as amended (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). Access to student records is limited to the student, to institutional employees with a “need to know”, and to any individuals specifically designated by the student. Exceptions to this right of limited access are made in accordance with federal guidelines.

At its discretion, Antioch University may release public or directory information in accordance with the provisions of FERPA. Students who wish directory information to be withheld must inform the Registrar’s office in writing.

Antioch University defines directory information as information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information includes, but is not limited to: the student’s name; address; telephone listing; electronic mail address; photographs; date and place of birth; major field of study; grade level; enrollment status; dates of attendance; participation in officially recognized activities; degrees, honors and awards received; and the most recent educational agency or institution attended.

Students may request non-disclosure of public or directory information, and are prompted annually to do so. Requests for non-disclosure remain in place for the academic year in which requested. Requests expire after one year unless the request is renewed. If a request for non-disclosure is current at the time of graduation or withdrawal, the non-disclosure will remain in place indefinitely unless the student requests a change in writing.

Note: Your name may not be published in the commencement program if your request for nondisclosure is active at the time of your degree conferral.

Transfer Credit and Course Substitution Policy

See Antioch University Transfer and Intra-University Credit Policy, 5.611.

The intent of this policy is to maintain best and consistent practices in applying transfer credits and to ensure the academic integrity of Antioch University’s academic programs.

The transferability of credits earned at Antioch University is at the discretion of the receiving college, university, or other educational institution. Students considering transferring to any institution should not assume that credits earned in any program of study at Antioch University will be accepted by the receiving institution. Similarly, the ability of a degree, certificate, diploma, or other academic credential earned at Antioch University to satisfy an admission requirement of another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Accreditation does not guarantee credentials or credits earned at Antioch University will be accepted by or transferred to another institution. To minimize the risk of having to repeat coursework, students should contact the receiving institution in advance for evaluation and determination of transferability of credits and/or acceptability of degrees, diplomas, or certificates earned.

Student Policies

Academic Appeal Policy

See Antioch University Academic Appeal Policy, 6.111.

This policy governs the conditions under which students may appeal an academic evaluation, and outlines the procedures for doing so.

Admissions Policy

See Antioch University Admission Policy, 5.607.

General guidelines govern admission to all University policies, and are supplemented by specific admission requirements to individual academic programs.

Disability Support Services

See Antioch University Disability Support Services Policy, 6.101.

It is the policy of Antioch University, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, and other disability non-discrimination laws, that no student shall, on the basis of his/her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination under any University program or activity. Antioch University is committed to providing qualified students with a disability an equal opportunity to access the benefits, rights, and privileges of University services, programs, and activities, in the most integrated setting appropriate to the students’ needs.

Military and Reserve Military Deployment Policy

See Antioch University Military and Reserve Military Deployment Policy, 6.121.

Antioch University honors the sacrifices made by our active military and active reserve military students. In recognition of the disruption that deployment can create, the university has established policies and procedures to ensure that students are not disadvantaged while meeting their military obligations.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

See Antioch University Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, 6.119.

Antioch’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy is coterminous with its Academic Standing policy as described below. In order to maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) at Antioch University, students must meet minimum standards of academic success. These standards are intended to ensure that students demonstrate the ability to be successful in their program, progress at a reasonable rate, and graduate within the maximum allowable time.

Antioch University’s SAP guidelines and procedures are in compliance with all associated federal regulations. In addition to the Registrar’s assessment of student academic achievement and standing through SAP, the Financial Aid Office uses the results of Satisfactory Academic Progress reviews to determine student eligibility for Title IV Federal aid. Per federal regulations, failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress will result in disqualification from federal student aid. Scholarships and other student aid based on academic progress may also be affected if a student fails to achieve satisfactory academic progress.

The purpose of this policy is to inform students of the University’s expectation regarding the review and assessment of satisfactory academic progress, the relationship of satisfactory academic progress to a student’s eligibility for financial aid, as well as students’ right of appeal.

Student Academic Integrity Policy

See Antioch University Student Academic Integrity Policy, 6.105.

This policy establishes and communicates the University’s standards of student academic integrity, the nature of prohibited behavior, and the protection of students’ rights as well as expectations regarding students’ responsibilities during the disciplinary process.

Student Academic Rights and Freedom

See Antioch University Student Academic Rights and Freedom, 6.102.

Antioch University adheres to the principles of academic freedom and intellectual pluralism as both rights and responsibilities. This policy informs students and faculty of the University’s expectations regarding students’ academic freedom as well as the responsibilities that students accept as members of the academic community.

Student Conduct Policy

See Antioch University Student Conduct Policy, 6.103.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to the educational process. This policy defines the acceptable range of student behavioral standards of Antioch University, and outlines the procedures and potential outcomes associated with violations of these standards.

Student Grievance Policy

See Antioch University Student Grievance Policy, 6.109.

If students feel that they have received unfair or inequitable treatment from a member of Antioch University’s faculty or staff, or feel that institutional policies pertaining to them have not been followed, they may choose to engage in the formal grievance procedure. Please note: this process is separate from the academic appeals process, which students follow to dispute the awarding of credit in an academic course.

Student Organizations, Speech & Publications Policy

See Antioch University Student Organizations, Speech & Publications Policy, 6.127.

Antioch University encourages students to acquire and further interests outside the classroom that contribute to their development as members of the University and global communities. This policy sets forth students’ rights and responsibilities, as well as University expectations, with regard to the establishment and conduct of student organizations and student publications.

Student Religious Accommodation Policy

See Antioch University Student Religious Accommodation Policy, 6.117.

In keeping with Antioch University’s commitment to non-discrimination and inclusion, Antioch University upholds the principles of religious freedom and religious diversity. In furtherance of these principles, Antioch University will make good faith efforts to provide reasonable accommodations for students who have sincerely held religious practices or beliefs that conflict with a scheduled course/program requirement.

Institutional Policies

Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources Policy

See Antioch University Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources Policy, 8.101.

Antioch University values technology as a means of communicating information and ideas to the University community and the world. In keeping with the University’s commitment to utilizing technology in teaching and learning, this policy provides direction in the appropriate use of all forms of electronic resources, delineates guards against censorship, identifies potential violations and outlines sanctions for violations.

Email Policy

See Antioch University Email Use Policy, 8.103.

All Antioch students, staff, and faculty will be assigned institutional email accounts and may have general access to the system as long as they maintain their relationship with the university. This policy clarifies University expectations for acceptable use of this resource.

International Study & Domestic Field Study Travel Policy

See Antioch University International Study & Domestic Field Study Policy, 5.223.

This policy outlines the steps that Antioch takes in approving international and other travel courses to ensure student safety, security, and learning opportunities.

Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence and Sex Discrimination (Title IX) Policy

See Antioch University Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence and Sex Discrimination Policy, 4.607.

It is the policy of Antioch University to create and maintain an environment for students, faculty and employees, which is optimally conducive to learning and to positive working conditions. Such an environment must be free from sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Student Employment Policies

Student Employment Policy

See Antioch University Student Employment Policy, 4.209.

Antioch University is pleased to offer employment to as many students as possible. This policy outlines the definitions, terms and conditions of student employment at Antioch.

Payroll and Time Reporting Policy

See Antioch University Payroll and Time Reporting Policy, 4.407.

The purpose of this policy is to establish the pay frequency, guidelines for all employees, including student employees.

Hours of Work, Breaks and Attendance Policy

See Antioch University Hours of Work, Breaks and Attendance Policy, 4.401.

This policy establishes normal hours of work, as well as standards regarding absenteeism, tardiness, meal and rest periods, nursing mothers break periods.