Mar 28, 2025  
University Catalog 2023-2024 
University Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Governance & Leadership

Antioch University is led by a dynamic team of experienced leaders with decades of experience in higher education, as well as in industries and disciplines of key significance to Antioch’s educational scope.

Executive Team

William R. Groves, Chancellor. JD, The Ohio State University
Laurien Alexandre, Special Advisor to the Chancellor. PhD., University of California-Irvine
Allan Gozum, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Chief Financial Officer. EdD, University of Pennsylvania
​Mary Granger, University Counsel. JD, University of Maine
Chet Haskell, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs & University Provost. DPA, University of Southern California
Craig Maslowsky, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management. EdD, Northeastern University
Maria-Judith Rodriguez, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources. MA, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico; MBA., University of Phoenix

Deans and Provosts

Laurien Alexandre, Dean, Graduate School of Leadership & Change. PhD, University of California, Irvine
Shawn Fitzgerald, Dean, School of Counseling, Psychology and Therapy and CEO, Antioch University New England. PhD, University of Toledo
Mark Hower, Provost/CEO, Antioch University Los Angeles and Antioch University Santa Barbara. PhD, Antioch University
MeHee Hyun, Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies. PhD, University of California, Los Angeles 
Ben Pryor, Dean, School of Environmental Sciences and CEO, Antioch University Seattle. PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Michael Raffanti, Dean, School of Education. EdD, Fielding Graduate University; JD, Boston College Law School
Terry Ratcliff, Dean, Distance and Extended Education. EdD, University of California, Berkeley

Faculty Senate

On March 3, 2023 upon the recommendation of the Chancellor of Antioch University and the Academic Affairs Committee, the Board of Governors affirms the critical role of the University Faculty Senate in the shared participatory governance and shared leadership of Antioch University, and hereby recognizes the Faculty Senate as the official body in which faculty convene to oversee curricula; provide faculty voice; and reflect, support, and center student experience and interests in contributing input and guidance on decision-making at the university level.

Inaugural Senators:
Ken Baker Management
Sara Beth Lohre Undergraduate Studies
Julie Biddle School of Education
Maria Kim Counseling, Psychology, Therapy (Division 1)
Mariamee Gonzalez Counseling, Psychology, Therapy (Division 3)
Anthony Pennant Counseling, Psychology, Therapy (Division 4)
Tenika Jackson Counseling, Psychology, Therapy (Division 5)
Rae Theit Environmental Studies
Beth Mabry Graduate School of Leadership & Change
Ali Corey AU New England campus
Alexis Arczynski AU Los Angeles campus
Sandra Kenny AU Santa Barbara campus
Katherine Fort AU Seattle campus
Jesse Priest AU Writing Centers
Pippin Macdonald AU Libraries


University Administrative Leadership

Laura Andrews, University Director of Advancement. MEd, Keene State College
Katrina Bell, University Director of Writing Support. PhD, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Mensima Biney, Director, University Campus Admissions. MBA, Nova Southeastern University
Sue Byers, Assistant Provost, AU Seattle. MA, Pacific Oaks College
Liz Carson-Murphy, University Director of Veterans’ and Military-Connected Student Affairs. MS, Walden University
Karen Crist, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Success. MA, Antioch University
Zephyr Ethier, University Director of Enrollment Services. EdD, Southern New Hampshire University
Nate Ferkovich, Director of Admission for Online and Undergraduate Studies. BA, Appalachian State University 
Michelle Finley, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Accreditation and Academic Assessment. PhD, Purdue University
Christine Forte, University Librarian. EdD, Pepperdine University
Rodney Fowlkes, Director of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer. MDiv, Virginia Union University
Melinda Garland, Executive Director, University Marketing. MBA, Antioch University
Katie Golus, Director of Academic Technology. EdM, Harvard University
Michael Greitzer, Director of Strategic Business Alliances. BA, Wittenberg University
Jeanne Grippo, Director of Administrative Applications. BA, University of Dayton 
Maureen Heacock, University Registrar. PhD, University of Minnesota
Teresa Kaldor, University Director, Office of Institutional Effectiveness. PhD, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Ryan Kasmier, Associate Provost, AU Santa Barbara. EdD, California Lutheran University
Katy Keenan, Executive Director of Budget, Planning & Analysis. BBA, California State University-East Bay
Rachel Keil, University Director for Academic Compliance. PhD, California Institute of Integral Studies
Melissa Kirk, Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. EdD, University of Minnesota 
Michelle Koppitz, Associate Vice Chancellor of Strategic Partnerships & Expansion Sites. MA, Olivet Nazarene University
Barbara Lipinski, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel. PhD, University of Southern California; JD, Southern California Institute of Law
Katy Stahl, University Executive Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships. BA, Central Washington University
Jon Stevens, University Director of Student Accounts. MA, Antioch University Seattle 
Tony Urban, University Communication Center / Admissions Operations Manager. MA, University of La Verne
Jessica Wiltgen, Executive Director of University Admissions. MS, St. Cloud State University
Will Winkowski, Strategic Business Solutions Partner. MAFM, Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University

Board of Governors 

Chair: Carole Isom-Barnes, Huntersville, NC
Vice-Chair: Paul Mutty, Seattle, WA
Chancellor and Corporate Secretary: William Groves (ex-officio), Yellow Springs, OH

Janice Dewart Bell, New York, NY
Teri Cannon, Berkeley, CA
Steve Crandall, Seattle, WA
Katrin Dambrot, Bonita Springs, FL
Lance Dublin, San Francisco, CA
Gregory Finkelstein, Orlando, FL
Charlene Moore Hayes, Pikesville, MD
Holiday Hart McKiernan, Indianapolis, IN
William Plater, Indianapolis, IN 
Rich Preyer, III.,
Asheville, NC
Martha Summerville, New Haven, CT
Eugene R. Tempel, Indianapolis, IN
Lillian Pierson Lovelace (governor emerita), Santa Barbara, CA